
New Auto-Strafen in Italy Roads change traffic regulations From dpa-AFX

New Auto-Strafen in Italy Roads change traffic regulations From dpa-AFX

ROM (dpa-AFX) – In Italian gold-plated, a different road traffic order with new Bußgeldern and Strafen. Soul of rights government of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni ist es, the high Zahl von Verkehrstooten will be reduced. I sold over 3,000 years ago. It could result in significantly higher monetary and tax rates for autofahrers. The Italian Senate has approved the reform of the Road Traffic Ordinance.

Besonders heart will penetrate the Thema Alkohol and Drogen am Steuer. In Italy, the Permille limit in Germany is 0.5 Permille – wer mit more like 0.5 Permille Auto fährt, riskier a sum of money of 2,000 Euro and Führerscheinentzug up to his money in Monaten. Liegt der Blutalkoholspiegel zwischen 0.8 and 1.5 Permille, dries the double Strafe. From 1.5 per mille is a freedom penalty for every second month.

Null-Toleranz policy at Drogen am Steuer

At Fahrern, who were under Drogeneinfluss, power gild a Zero Toleranz Policy. We will continue to work within three years. If you have the Handy’s, you can make them stronger: Fahrer, who calls or chats with the Handy-handy’s, can cost more than 1,000 euros. My Wiederholungsfall costs 1,400 Euro plus Führerscheinentzug bis zu drei Monaten. The last time of the Führerscheinentzugs is doubled, when the use of mobile telephony is a Mitursache for an Unfall. Often autofahrer were abgelenkt during my Handy am Steuer.

Hartere Gangart against Raser

Gehndet and so heart punished that will not be Geschwindigkeitsverstöße. If the high wind speed is more than 10 km/h, a price of 700 euros will be paid. Innerhalb an Ortschaft and two innerhalb aines Jahres: bis zu 880 Euro plus Führerscheinentzug for 15 to 30 days.