
Two Hoffnungsträger and a cumbersome arrangement

Two Hoffnungsträger and a cumbersome arrangement

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  2. Winter sports
  3. Ski jumping

Two Hoffnungsträger and a cumbersome arrangement
Ski jumping: Andreas Wellinger will compete in the ski jumping for a number of years. © photo alliance/dpa | Swen Pförtner

I’m starting the new season in Ski Jumping. The German Mannschaft has a clear view of the new Weltcup. There is a new rule that affects tension and a fragment.

Lillehammer – With 13 Athletes trip of the Deutsche Skiverband (DSV) zu first station of the new Saison im Ski Jumping. A long Weltcupsaison began in Lillehammer (Norway), in which the German culture is especially visible in the Spring.

Both Herren are married Andreas Wellinger as one of the favorites in the Ski Jumping World Cup 2024/25. The 29-year anniversary lasts two years through Konstanz and good experiences. Wellinger combs during the summer and is the undisputed leader among the German Herren.

Ski jumping: Wellinger and Schmid machen Hoffnung op große Erfolge

Oh well, both Damen, the Führungsrolle is clearly arranged. Katharina Schmid has been the great and consistent Springerin in DSV for years. In the Vorsaison the problems of the age of 28 had arisen, the problems could arise.

The first step towards Leistungsstand takes place in the summer. Schmid gewann Zuletzt plays Jumping in the Series. The Oberstdorferin who has jumped into the favorite journey is one of the gesamtweltcups.

Ski jumping: Aufbruchstimmung unter Kuttin – Herren suchen nach Konstanz

The system is a clear Aufbruchstimmung recognition among German ski jumpers. In the Vorsaison, Bundestrainer Maximilian Mechler competed to start the season with a good start. In Remove personal instructions for the DSV Adlerinnen. With the new head coach Heinz Kuttin the Euphorie is zurück. The result of the summer wet treatment stimulates the anticipatory winter period.

Both Herren soll hinter Wellinger mehr Konstanz einziehen. Karl Geiger, Stephan Leyhe, Philipp Raimund and Pius Paschke jumped onto the podium in the Vorsaison. Regular guests were not very welcome. If we look at the second half of the DSV-Adler season, the National Cup competition is now for the completed Rank.

Ski jumping: Fragezeichen hinter Eisenbichler

Wellinger, Geiger, Paschke, Raimund and Leyhe started the season in Lillehammer. Adrian Tittel fills the sister junior starting place. And then it isn’t Markus Eisenbichler.

The 2019 Weltmeister has entered the internal qualification process and has not had a chance at 33 years old, if you are up to date with the ski jumping you need. Whoever wins Eisenbichlers in the Weltcup and who has the team dynamics in the Laufe a long winter in the world, is a Zentrale Fragen at the Herren.

Both Damen wird die zentrale Frage sein, wie ich de Mannschaft behind Schmid entwickelt. Selina Freitag was gilded as a small fighter pilot, in the Vorsaison the 23-year-old had major problems with stability. Young athletes such as Alvine Holz (20) or Emily Torazza (20) loved the world striker. In Lillehammer since Schmid, Freitag, Holz, Anna Hollandt, Agnes Reisch and Juliane Seyfarth am Start.

Ski jumping: Regulations sorted for Unruhe – “Sind nicht beim Dressurreiten”

In Norway, the Ski Jumpers were confronted with a rule change, which were chosen in the field for a critical tone. Were it not possible to use the Telemark-Landung im Hanging, it is possible to do so Abzug von bis zu three Wertungspunkten. Bisher was maximum two.

The athletes who criticize, the subject of the camp competition can no longer have an influence. Wellinger sees the “zwiegespalten” and Eisenbichler finds his “totale bescheuert” and for Geiger it is a waste of the sport. “Wir sind ja nicht beim Eiskunstlauf or Dressurreiten. “We win the wool, the best and the best spring,” like the Oberstdorfer.

Once there is an end point, when the new Bewertungsysteem is used, it is a Freitag. During the Freitag, a mixed-team event (from 4 p.m.) and Samstag and Sonntag, you will find jewels for single jumping at the Damen en Herren statt. (Quelle:, truth)