
Seco places Australian Waffen company on “Black List” – News

Seco places Australian Waffen company on “Black List” – News

The peace control was sanctioned by a political firm, while the Schweizer ammunition was rejected in Ukraine. We are proud to have another experience with our repairer Swiss P Defense from Thun.

The rest control in Bern continues: the first time an Australian waffen company road Vertragsbruchs on a «Schwarze Liste». Affected ist die in Poland ansässige Firma UMO SP. Das eigen Recherchen von SRF Investigativ. In addition, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco), which is responsible for the Export Control of Kriegsmaterial, writes: “We cannot continue to be prepared for exports and the relevant pollnish company.”

Sniper with Waffe in Unterholz

Seco is the only one that has used the Sniper Munition from the Thun company Swiss P Defense in the fight against Ukraine. Ob si dort im Kriegsgebiet zum Einsatz kam, is unclear. I am a Ukrainian Sniper near Bachmut in September 2023.


Was it passion? On July 10, 2023, the Thun company Swiss P Defense (ehemal Ruag Ammotec) will purchase 145,000 Schuss Sniper-Munition Caliber 0.338 and 500,000 Schuss Caliber 0.308 and the Polish company UMO SP. Vier Tage später liefert UMO SP de munition weiter – von Polen in Ukraine. However: Dieser Wieder-Export has begun to implement a rest period and the general implementation of the Prinzip of Switzerland, which has no Waffenlieferungen and kriegsführende Staaten of supported states.

Who was most likely to attack Swiss P Defense?

Seco investigated the message in the Vorfall, as the NZZ reported in November 2023 on the basis of the blogs «Defense One». The Prüfbericht lies SRF Investigativ nun exclusiv vor. There said: The controller identifies zum one of the two besagten Munitionslieferungen and UMO SP, die vom Seco will be prepared to be. And while others will defeat the Frage ins Zentrum, by the Thun Firma Swiss P Defense, by the Weiterverkauf and the Ukraine gewusst hate. If the Schweizer entrepreneur has a new sale / re-export in the Ukraine, where a verstoss dies, he has ended up in the Prüfbericht.

After the examination of the sublayers, the check was carried out on the Seco organization: “The Prüfung is very dangerous, the Swiss P-Defense AG exported the ammunition in the West, causing it to be shipped and re-exported to Ukraine.” The company has had a massive impact, one of the risks that are minimized, including a Vereinbarung, while the wiederverwendung has disappeared from the Polnian Territory. The political firm prefers to continue working in Ukraine.


Ammunition sold by Swiss P Defense and UMO SP. The Polnian Company is happier with this new situation in Ukraine – due to other Vereinbarung.

Screenshot Swiss P Defense website

Swiss Päussert does not believe that he loves and the political partner and writes SRF Investigativ allgemein: “Swiss P Defense believes in its knowledge and ausschliesslich in the fight against the best immungen of Switzerland.”

Seco-Entscheid industrial find “ingenious”

For the Swiss Waffen Industry, the UMO SP company is “not an unwanted partner”, says Matthias C. Zoller. There is a general security service of the Swiss industrial associations. Man uses Seco-Entscheid and finds it “ingenious”. The Swiss Company has a correct result, the Australian missbräuchlich – it is clear that the Seco de Gesetz goes through the setze. Aber: “It’s a matter of time, but the European economy will never again struggle with any of our efforts. You notice that you are losing weight.”

Reactions to politics

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Politics responds positively to the Seco sector. The FDP Ständerat Josef Dittli once said: “When Seco acted, he was passive, he was de facto an impure neutrality.” The political company has never favored a slow breakdown with the Swiss Company’s contents and trotzdem ammunition. “That’s the problem.”

In Bezug auf Fall who diesen sei die Schweizer Gesetzgebung genügend, Dittli says. “In the event of another failure and a pre-purchase survey, it is an unsatisfactory one, while our own industrial industry might well work.”

Before this can happen, the democratic state can the material kaufen by Jahren Schweizer Kriegs material, be produced by a erasing bedingungen which are re-exported. “The export control regime must be implemented in the states, if the Swiss is vergleichbar, the Nichtwiederausfuhr-Erklärung must be scrapped for a year,” the State Secretary said. An entsprechende of the Kriegsmaterial-gesetzes is der Tijd in Planung. Die Vernehmlassung lief Ende October 2024 ab.

Möglicherweise Gesetzeslücke?

Auch for the Zürcher SP Nationalrat Fabian Molina is the Eingreifen des Seco im Fall «Swiss P» direction. «It is not the case that the Swiss Gesetzgebung of Australian Agreements is not final. Da braucht es Massnahmen, die saith: Das geht nicht.» Unlike Josef Dittli, Molina is an insight, but in the same way, it is possible to have a good life.

“While the best thing to do here is with the lungs, it is not the case that those cases have been resolved.” Soul of the Kriegsmaterialgesetzes sei es, dass Schweizer Waffen nicht in Kriegen or bewaffneten Konflikten landen würden. Because it is a bad hand, the Ziel der Schweizer company will never be taken over by the Drittstaat.

The Polnian company UMO SP schreibt, founded by Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen with sämtlichen Geschäftspartnersn, is not possible, a single Geschäfte zu commentieren. An answer in general: «All the things done are swinging in the end with the proper care and attention.»

Der Fall «Swiss P» is actually not like that at all

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Der Fall «Swiss P» is actually not like that at all. Gemäss Recherchen von SRF Research that took place one autumn in June 2023: Three Luftdruckpistolen from the Ticino Herstellers Morini from an über an Indian Company in a Jagdgeschäft in Moscow. The most important Russian data used by the Import Genius company is special trade data. This is the only sports car that takes a break after Russia exports. “Das Sanktionsverbot omfasst Waffen aller Art”, writes a Seco-Sprecher.

The Morini Company no longer has a deductible for Re-Export. As a producer or distributor who never sold a product, sales were assured with a product: “One of the best in a free country or in another continent.”

The Indian firm did not re-run SRF’s attack. The Seco turn must be carried out as a possible platform for cooperation with Russia. Additional information was obtained during this time.

There is damage to the Swiss Rüstungsindustrie «ganz massive», when Waffen or ammunition land over Drittländer in Kriegsgebieten, says Matthias C. Zoller. There is a general security service of the Swiss industrial associations. “The Schweizer firms offer everything to increase power, but it is not so passive – and a fehlerhalten is one of the Australian countries that could damage the image of the industry.”


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More about the theme in the “Echo of the Time” at 6 p.m. and in the “Tagesschau” at 7:30 p.m.