
Mandarin scale on small autumn roadsides

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The Scales of Mandarinen cannot yet be used.
The Scales of Mandarinen cannot yet be used. © Peter Himmelhuber/Zoonar/Imago

The shell of the mandarin cannot be placed in the Müll. It may also be that swimming time in the garden and house is no longer good.

Dortmund – It is a good thing to see and see in the kitchen just like: Mandarins are an all-rounder and also as a home-made egg. If you use Pflanzen, the tangerine scale may collapse in the second half of autumn.

Mandarin scale on small autumn roadsides

In the first photo it is no longer the case that you see a man throwing away tangerine scales in the fall. If the substance in the orange fruits is damaged, one of the other ones dies nor nutzlich sind.

Beispielsweise im Einsatz v Garten-Schädlinge, insbesondere Schnecken. Who is Gartenmagazin Devita message, can de Schale dabei help, de unwollten Gäste abzuwehren. You can use the tangerine residues in the beet leaves (more gardening tips in RUHR24 lessons).

It is worth closing the pulp and a man can make his way into the beet abssammeln. The Smarticular function applies to other dishes from Zitrusfrüchten. After the principle of the locking function has taken place, the beer trap has hit the bolt.

Mandarin essence: Scale is in the garden and a wonder place

For the Pflanzen, the mandarin scale can have a double value: if the Stickstoff is, then the Pflanzenwachstum is the heaviest. Genau wie Schalen von Orangen kan de Reste von Mandarinen als zu Dünger für Zimmerpflanzen verarbeiten.

Since the recovery of the work from the soil, since now we have only few writings, we 24garten message set:

  • The Scale of etwa three Mandarins in a Schraubglas emptying
  • The glass with water aufgießen
  • Die Mischung etwa drei Tage lang en een dunklen, kühlen Ort zeehen lassen

Daraus starts a work and shoots Dünger. Obendrein besitzen Mandarinen and Orangen natural ethereal oil and it may be that Pils comes into the Blumenerde. All the rest of the man can take untreated fruits, since he can abbecommen his own Pflanzen Keine Pestizid-Reste.