
Cleartext for Kfz-Exportmarkt, is “Panik” changed?

Cleartext for Kfz-Exportmarkt, is “Panik” changed?

The EUR has just recovered from USD at 1.0473 (05:33 Uhr), after the last 24 trading hours at 1.0463 in the US-Geschäft markiert wurde. The USD has a value of JPY at 154.40. In der Folge quotes 161.70. oszilliert at 0.9281.

Market: Geopolitik hält Market in Atem

The Finance Market dominates geopolitics. That’s fuhrt zu. The escalation in the Ukraine Crisis generates the highest risks that a Weltkrieg lasts for 80 years.

Comment: It was fully assembled, it was the final solution (Ursache). Verkürzt war is de Weigerung, Russia Sicherheitsinteressen in de letzten gut 20 jaar seriously van de nehmen. Generating general data in the US is one of the most likely results of the new Eskalationsstufen. Is de last Schachzug der so genannten neoconservativen Eliten (Fakten kosten vor der Inauguration am 20. Januar?)? How come it happened once?

The Nachrichtenlage from Europe (Heterogenität der Interessen, Ignoranz der maßgeblichen Probleme, Energielage, Insolvenz Northvolt) and Deutschland (Folgen der Strukturkrise, ua Insolvenzen) are not very busy. It is charged with the international Kaufkraft des Euros. Since August (1.1188) the EUR is estimated at USD 6.4% in value.

The eurozone financial performance index has fallen at its last reading in June 2024. In the US, both positive and negative data (which have become dating potpourri) have become.

Aktienmark: Let +0.45%. +0.39%, +0.57%, +1.08%, US Technology 100 +0.37%.

Aktienmärkte in Fernost Stand 05:58 Uhr: (Japan) +0.93%, (China) -1.02%, Hangseng (Hong Kong) -1.31%, Sensex (If) +0.78% and Kospi (South -Korea) ) +1.14%. Rent Market: The 10-year Federal Reserve interest rate is high at 2.31% (Vortag 2.36%), while the 10-year US State Interest Rate deviates by a rate of 4.41% (Vortag 4.41%).

Design market: The USD (EUR -0.0077) war gegenüber the EUR in the geopolitical acquisitions gefragt. The EUR is marked in 13 months.

(+19.00 USD) could see a geopolitical change in the USD. (+0.16 USD) power leicht Boden gut.

marks in the last 24 trade studies new historical high marks gegenüber dem USD (99,378 USD) and corrected bisher überschaubar (Stand 06:10 Uhr 98,983 USD).

Germany: DIHK delivers road marking Anstieg der Firmenpleiten

In October, the insolvency of the Federal Statistical Office continues in the years 22.9%. I think that the Zuwachsrate on June 2023 with Ausnahme des Juni 2024 in zwettelgen Bereich.

Comment: Since we have taken a 180 degree look at the politics of Berlin and Brussels, we are interested in orienting politics towards Europe and the economy as a result of the current tendency towards insolvents in particular in Germany. It is worth its weight in gold if, due to the absent politics under the Trump Führung, the US became shy of the American leadership profile and no longer became a sustainable genüber of Germany and Europe. The time for “different reactions” is not an issue.

The Entwicklung is thoughtful, so der DIHK. Rising costs at home and abroad, high costs for energy and capital growth, there are costs due to management and the Bureau, all expenses that DIHK make are the debt burden and financing. In those years it takes more than 20,000 firms with deutlichheid to rechnen.

Comment: Gute Beschreibung/Nacherzählung, since we were DIHK & Verbände as few mahnende Stimmen dieses aktuelle Dilemma frühzeitig projizierten? The political opportunism of the Wirtschaftsverbond is one of the most important issues for the active Krisenlage.

Financing the debt solvency at around 2.4 billion. EUR after etwa 1.8 billion. EUR in Vorjahresmonat.

In this context: Bundesbankvorstand Theurer says, roads der stutterden Konjunktur, Unsicherheiten bezüglich der US-Handelspolitik und geopolitischer Spannungen stehe he unser Deutsches Finanzsystem voor schweren Herausforderungen.

Comment: Krisenlagen are complex and burden the financial system. Here it is that more people from the Bundesbank are rejoicing at the structural failures that their themes and no critical stimuli about their reasoning. “Opportunistic konjunktur-permaoptimismus”, if you keep an eye on the tag, there is no structural problem whatsoever!

Cleartext for Kfz-Exportmarkt – Is “Panik” necessary?

Statistics are pleased with the graphic design of one of the export activities of the German Kfz industry and the risks in the American market.

12.9% of exports went to the US. Set your Zölle to a height of 10% and the stattgefundene USD-Aufwertung gegenüber dem EUR bereits 6.4% in August (more 5% since the situation). If you notice a problem, this problem may occur. Zudem is the most important Absatz market in Europe. The largest states account for 35% of exports, China for 7%.

Commentary. The situation is now normal, but it is German to ensure an “Abgesang”.


View an overview of the most recent Kfz statistics in Europe:


Comment: The company is a high refugee, while Europe’s words are indisputable, while Europe has power over an area of ​​political interest and can appeal to the structure of the draghi papers! That is another day after 180 degrees for loyal Standortpolitik! Für Panik gibt is keinen Grund, sehr wohl aber für Gen mangels politischer Professionalität in Berlin und Brüssel (Parteiinterestessen vor Staatsinterestessen?).

Datenpotpourri der letzten 24 Handelstunden

Eurozone: Index des Verbrauchervertrauens unerwartet schwächer

The Index of the Verbrauchervertrauens der Eurozone fell from -12.5 (Forecast -12.4) to -13.7 Punkte per Berichtsmonat November. The war has started since June 2024.

France: The Geschäftsklimaindex of the Gesamtwirtschaft has increased from 96 to 97 points as of November. The index for the published results was 97 (Prognosis 95) as of November after 93 Zählern (revision of 92).

USA: Divergierende Signale – Philadelphia Business Index unerwartet schwach

The Philadelphia Fed Business Index has gone from +10.3 to -5.5 Punkte (Forecast +8.0) as of November. Der Absatz you will enjoy real estate in October in the annual Darstellung of 3.96 Mio. (Forecast 3.93 million) after 3.82 million (revised from 3.84 million). The index of the Frühhindikatoren after the Conference Board study has been reduced as of October from 0.4% (Prognosis -0.3%) to -0.3% (revidiert from -0.5%). The labor costs will increase from 213,000 (forecast 220,000) to 219,000 (revised from 217,000) as of November 16.

Japan: Verbraucherpreise rückläufig – Composite PMI etwas better

The sales price as of October in the annual comparison is 2.3% to 2.5%. The core value of the turnover price is 2.3% to 2.4% as of October in the annual census.


It is bad that the EUR is a negative Tendenz. An exceedance of the Widerstandszone between 1.0680 – 1.0710 ignores this Szenario.

Fell Erfolg!

© Folker Hellmeyer
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