
Der Sport-Tag: Miserable Nations-League-Bilanz: Nation coach loses signals Job

Der Sport-Tag: Miserable Nations-League-Bilanz: Nation coach loses signals Job

Der Sport-Tag
Miserable Nations-League-Bilanz: Nation coach loses his job

Markku Kanerva has been appointed as coach of the Finnish Fußball-Nationalmannschaft. After catastrophizing Abschneiden in the Nations League during the team’s 60th year, it is part of the Finnish Verband Mitteilte. A next step will be funded until January.

The Finnish National Team in the Nations League in the Gruppe 2 of the Liga B has lost all matches against England, Greece and Ireland. The team of Leverkusens Torwart Lukas Hradecky and the früherem Schalke-Spieler Teemu Pukki nach the Gruppenspielen punktlos and ist with a Torverhältnis of 2:13 Steigt as Gruppenletzter in the Liga C ab. Kanerva war since handsome eight years Finnischer Nationalcoach. Unter ihm nahm das Land an der EM 2021 teil un erreichte dabei zum ersten Mal at all the Endrunde of Weltoder Europameisterschaft.