
Winter Müdigkeit: Ein Schlafforscherin erklärt, we will be happy in winter

Winter Müdigkeit: Ein Schlafforscherin erklärt, we will be happy in winter

A study from the University of Colorado said the effect of German on: Die Forschenden lie in the Probandinnen and Probanden jeweils a Woche in the summer and a Woche in the Winter in the Rocky Mountains – also mittens in nature and ohne light light quellen – camping. You can interrogate the Melatonin Schüttung and the Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus. The end of the experiments is clear, the biological night of the teilnehmenden in winter lasts four days during summer.

Tomorrow 30 minutes more Schlaf

Exciting dabei: The biological night that continues in the summer will last long tomorrow. If you start with the Empfinden, you will never enjoy your life again in winter, but tomorrow the German will have more time to come.

When you are in the RV in the Rocky Mountains, you can radiate the natural light, which you can achieve a great standard with electric light. «Vermutlich sind die Unterschiede zwischen Sommer und Winter bei our Germans are not very grim. “Unser Schlaf changes itself aber dennoch in des Jahres,” said Christine Blume. This was supported by the following research effort. So messages about the teachings of a study from Japan, in the winter and the week of 30 minutes longer about life in the summer and black am tomorrow.

More intense trauma

Nur de Dauer des Schlafs sich mit der Jahreszeit, sonondernn auch de Dauer der einzelnen Schlafphasen: «Während de lang des Tiefschlafs gemäss a study from Berlin in a Verlauf a Jahres relatively stable light, verbs in winter more time in REM-Schlaf» , said Christine Blume. Pro Nacht takes place with four fun moments for a certain amount of time in the Schlaf Stadium. In the second night and the morning the REM phases become longer. Schlafen will last longer tomorrow – how the trends are in the winter of autumn – will also show more time in REM-Schlaf.

«REM» is meant for «rapid eye movements» – in German for «schnelle augenbewegungen». It is characteristic of the REM-Schlaf. In that Schlafstadium you will find the Körper in one of the active phases: Puls, Blutdruck and Hirnaktivität weisen quickly genauso hohe Werte wie in Wachzustand auf. Excessive treatments with REM-Schlaf are intensive. Christine Blume said, “The workings of the REM phase are over, we are emotional and will come forth as sons.”