
Food noise: If you get the feeling that you are in Essen

Food noise: If you get the feeling that you are in Essen

Food noise can affect anyone and everyone, but overweight or obese people have a major impact on their lives – and the roads can be affected by their weight. “If a person is affected by food noise, he or she will be happy, it will be fine, and he or she will be able to weld – and that is essential,” said Cheskin.

Tatsächlich hat eine Studie, die in der Zeitschrift Obesity Reviews There is still a lot of information about the reactions of the essence of the weight of the energy, but the desire after the essence and the energy of the energy is more important. In a joint message from Weight Watchers and the STOP Obesity Alliance in the year 2024 it is “more than half the weight or weight of people who suffer from food noise.” We like to know that it is a diet and exercise program that stops.

Another group, which pays more attention to Food Noise, is a person with an essential or a gestörten ernährungsverhalten. “If you put an end to the Mahlzeiten in Essen, the Food Noise may fail, while the Körper sends a signal that the man is more essential,” says Goldman.

If someone complies with Essen’s rules or often prevents a number of meals and a number of essential items in recent years, the food noise can führen. Laut einer Studie, die in der Zeitschrift Pull Perhaps food noise is beyond the reach of orthorexic individuals. The Krankheitsbild is kennzeichnet by an obsession with gesundem Essverhalten, die are starren Ernährungsregeln and a more intensive Beschäftigung with Lebensmitteln führt.

“Food noise is a shame,” says Albers. “It may be that there is a problem and that it is causing social problems and other people to suffer.”

The GLP-1 Agonists Food Noise in the border area, which Cheskin is working on, ensure that the appetite and appetite are suppressed, while hunger and appetite remain in connection. When you connect to the device’s Belohnungssystem, the food sound is activated.

GLP-1 – Kurz for Glucagon-like Peptide 1 – is a peptide hormone that works in the natural body and plays a role in the regulation of blutzuckers, appetite and dizziness. “All over the brain, in the hypothalamus and the belohnung system, it’s GLP-1 receptors,” says Kushner. Food Noise suppression GLP-1 agonists, indem of “a more Rezeptors and so the Signale unterdrücken, which these ansonsten aussenden and dadurch bestimmte Gedanken and Gefühle auslösen würden.”

W. Scott Butsch, Weight Medicine Leader at the Cleveland Clinic’s Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, said: ‘During the treatment of dopamine release pathways in the body, which are undergoing drug treatment, the thought processes on the Essence theme will be carried out undone.”

It is not possible to oversee. Eine Studie, die in der Zeitschrift Addiction It is said that treatment with GLP-1 receptor agonists can help people with such diseases. The result is very that the alcoholic drinks from the drug are 50 percent of the amount of food taken from the rausch. In individuals on opioids, the action of GLP-1 agonists can cause 40 percent of overdoses.

“Manche Menschen since sich des Food Noise is not conscious, if the Medikamente is komkom and celebrated, then it is clearer thinking could,” said Butsch. “If you have no direct effect on your weight, the new platform can help you lose your quality of life.”