
Europe drohen laut ABB-Chef weitere Job-Verluste roads Power costs

Europe drohen laut ABB-Chef weitere Job-Verluste roads Power costs

Europe drohen laut ABB-Chef weitere Job-Verluste roads Power costs

First report of Thyssenkrupp Massenentlassungen. 11,000 jobs have been created or upgraded. As the factor increases, energy costs become higher. Jetzt warns the CEO of a European mega-industry about more job satisfaction, and weighs the high electricity costs!

Europe continues with the Abwanderung of Industry and Jobs

Europe showed ABB chief Morten Wierod Gefahr, Investitionen und Industriearbeitsplätze und Länder loser de US, sich den Money, Bürokratie und Energiekosten. The Hersteller in Europe is more in favor of the current in the United States and China, where the whole regulatory Umfeld tendency does its work, as the chef of Schweizer Maschinenbauunternehmens in Bloomberg interview in London.

“The costs for the energy-intensive industry, which the chemical, steel and zement industries regard as a herausforderung, and if so, investments in other federal states as Europe were flying,” says Wierod. Die kan ich af de Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen in der Region auswirken, “was ultimately Anlass zur Sorge gibt.”

Wierod’s Sorgen wurden in de last Wochen durch eine reihe schlechten Nachrichten aus der europäischen Industrie unterstrichen. The Stahlsparte of Thyssenkrupp can enter into a company when building a company that will yield a 40% lower annual reduction, will become a wettbewerbsfähiger. Repairers from Robert Bosch and Volkswagen woolen arches on the construction site and the costs, one of the schwachen Wachstum and the strong competition by the Chinese Repairer that started.

ABB joined the first investors of Northvolt’s American battery repairers, which had signed an agreement in the United States, was a setback for the best European investments, greater choice for electrical appliances. The Schweizer company took 1% of Northvolt and has no idea what the company has done with other things.

Trotz der Schwierigkeiten von Northvolt and others Herstellern sollte Europe “not aufgeben” and the Zukunftsindustrien not in the US and China overloaded, said Wierod am Montag on Bloomberg TV. Europe has noticed more sustainable energy projects and more energy projects from Mario Draghi’s latest posts. The president of the European Central Bank has made a number of other massive investments in technology to improve European Union law.

ABB sees it in Asia and in the US

Derweil invested in Zurich and added ABB to markets in China and India, which called Wachstum’s “huge” infrastructure vorantreiben. The company can produce greater European production in the US, and eventually there will be a new direction under the designed President Donald Trump. All four of the products produced in the US have been repaired.

The repairer of products with electricity and robot analyzes will be installed more than just in the US, has found the qualifications of experts at the schwierigkeiten, such as the CEO. Before the background of any of the possibilities is strengthened, ABB’s investment policy is strongly strengthened in the automation of factories, a relatively large local employment due to robotization.

ABB has established its profit motive on the Wachstum, during Acquisitions, and is offended by the Zukauf of Unternehmen, which has become the core geschäft, says the CEO. Rechenzentren see an attractive Wachstumssektor. “If we have a good relationship, we will find a good soul,” said Wierod. ABB’s Kriegskasse has gone for Bolt-on-Deals at about $1.5 billion per year, while the Unternehmen in the Lage are, “more like that,” if it’s a big fitting Soul.


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