
Pregnancy treatment must be an outpatient method

Pregnancy treatment must be an outpatient method

Medical care according to the will of the patients is a best practice for patients – better care for patients in the Krankenhaus. The BVerfG will remain in force until 2027, after the Gesetzgeber has been amended.

The regulations regarding medical care are subject to the health care requirements of the health care authorities, and are subject to the Federal Administrative Law (BVerfG) at Dienstag. Das Urteil (v. 26.11.2024, Az. 1 BvL 1/24) very impressive with a stimulating story of 5:3.

The genesis of the Verfahrens is a Vorlage of the Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH), which for most Zwangsmaßnahmen has a right for an unvereinbar with the Grundgesetz (GG) hält. Es geht um § 1906a Abs. 1 S. 1 No. 7 Civil Code (BGB) aF bzw. in der wortlautidentischen Ablösungsnorm § 1832 Abs. 1 S. 1 No. 7 BGB. The Vorschrift was published with Persons, which were found in the Betreuung, the Untersuchungen and Eingriffe, the “natural Will of the Betreuten” more widely distributed, when the Betreuer is the same. The e-compliance in one of the most common problems could be a consequence of a similar situation. A davon: Die Maßnahme muss “im Rahmen eines stationären Aufenthalts in a Krankenhaus (…) durchgeführt” were. The negotiation or treatment can no longer be carried out.

This absolute Krankenhaus vorbehalt the BGH for paint adjustments. Konkret sees the highest German Zivilgericht an Verletzung der aus Art. 2 Abs. 2 S. 1 GG follows the Protective Order of the State for the Protection of the Physical Environment and Health. The first senate of the BVerfG really likes it. Der Gesetzgeber muss mit Ablauf des Jahres 2026 für eine Neuregulation. This gilded fortress of Regelung is gold plated.

Gesetzgeber wollte eigentlich freedom entziehende Unterbringung vermeiden

Before the BGH takes on the battle with a paranoid schizophrenia, a woman can get the Krankenhaus-vorbehalt. It’s all close to the rules of public transport to and from the hospital, uncontrolled treatment. The woman has suffered a traumatic experience, but the transport must be fixed. Deshalb wants to work in his work, while the maßnahme works at the station of the Wohnverbundes, in those who Frau lebt.

There is no problem that the hospital cannot provide care, and when the patient is transported by transport in the Krankenhaus, it becomes easier.

The background of the Krankenhaus-vorbehalts is the wiederum of an Entscheidung des BVerfG aus 2016. Damals verpflichtete der Eerste Senat de Gesetzgeber zur Schaffung eines Systems der Hilfe und des Schutzes für unter Betreuung stehende Menschen, welche die Erforderlichkeit ein medizinischen Behandlung there is no recognition or no more trading possible. There are many gesetzgeberische wars, de Zulässigkeit ärztlicher Zwangsmaßnahmen statt a een Freiheitsentziehende Unterbringung künftig and a stationären Krankenhausfenthalt anzuknüpfen, one of these Weise that material and paint rights Vorgaben of the BVerfG zu hereditary.

Good Senate mehrheit for the Unangemessenheit

It is the Gesetzgeber über das Ziel hinausgeschossen, states the first Senate non-fest. It is difficult to have a carefree health care system and a safe place to stay in a medical home with a healthy care level. Der Gesetzgeber fololge mit der in Rede stehenden Regelung einen kunstassungsrechtlich legitimen Zweck in geeigneter and eerorderlicher Weise. All kinds of things are that the arrangement is an unacceptable sin. A patient who suffers from illness is not without the view of his or her health in the past. Treat sparrows under the best conditions or in other home care conditions.

I am of the opinion that the BVerfG is of great importance, considering both aspects of the protection of personal integrity and self-protection. It is necessary that people do not even apply and do not find any solution anymore and if they want to do so.

Others are beyond the scope of the Gründen insurance, transport and transport service affected by a person with little or no burden. The Senate is more finite, when the Eingriff continues with: a treatment for dementia patients, which is associated with a chronic health risk associated with specific infectious diseases and dying – who in Ausgangsverfahren beschriebene – Anwendung unmittelbaren Zwangs zum Zweck der Verbringung in the Krankenhaus .

Maßnahmen auch in Wohneinrichtungen möglich – aber nur unter Bedingungen

The Senate’s peace of mind loses this tension between the patients concerned. If the e-devices, in the untouched situation, inherit certain standards, they can receive outpatient routine attention, when other cases have significant consequences for the physical environment.

You may have to carry out a Krankenhausaufenthalt and/or Krankentransport in the direction of the instruction “avoid whether jedenfalls could be significantly reduced”. If you want to adopt other insights from the market or a different groundrechtsch geschützten Position, the “comparable weight” can be achieved. By convincing the Senate, the “Krankenhaus standard in mind on the conkret-erforderliche Mediterranean versorgung einschließlich der Nachversorgung voraussichtlich nahezu erreicht” is formed. One of the ways you can do this is to orient the new Gesetzgeber.

Offen lässt die Entscheidung ausdrücklich, “ob en gegebenenenfalls unter welchen Voraussetzungen die Unangemessenheit des mit § 1906a Abs. 1 S. 1 No. 7 BGB aF verbundenen Eingriffs über Hauptsacheverfahren hinaus auch für Fahren der einstweiligen Anordnung mit I hope I have brought down the cost of the ultimate ratio of the bots”.

Sondervotum concrete unsichere Tatsachengrundlage

Three or three days passed during the Entscheidung. Verfassungsrichter Heinrich Amadeus Wolff wrote on a special note. There should be no question of a senate that does not apply, that is the Abwehrrecht of Art. 2 Abs. 2 S. 1 Alt. 2 GG the notification of a gesetzlichen Grundlage for an outpatient pregnancy treatment.

If de Wolff has got an idea, in the event of the postponed crisis “a burden will be caused by the consequences, which the eingriff can undo in a whole.” Aber: Badger in Art. 2 Abs. 2 S. 1 Alt. 2 GG enthaltene Abwehrrecht erfordere nur das Unterbleiben des unverhältnismäßigen Eingriffs. A duty to the Gesetzgeber for the Abolition of a Rechtsgrundlage, der diese Unverhältnismäßigkeit vermeide, bestehe dagegen nicht. “There is a problem with the eingriff, which has to deal with my verbundene uncontrolled opacity. The previous line is gewährleistet that the additional protection offers for a narrative eingriffen and is insoweit paintassungsgemäß,” says Wolff.

It was a different matter in itself as well as in Art. 2 Abs. 2 S. 1 Alt. 2 GG enthaltenes Schutzpflicht. An answer to the Grundrechtsträgers is the best we can do now, “if the Schutzvorkehrungen are not affected at all, if the affected Regelungen and Maßnahmen offensichtlich one or more unzulänglich sind, the gebotene Schutzziel zu erreichen, or if he is erheblich hinter dem Schutzziel zurückbleiben”, he is in Sondervotum weiter. The great gesetzliche rules are intended to view the best game systems of the gesetzgebers at the Ausgestaltung of the BVerfG.

With a new form of processing the asylums, Wolff has incorporated an “absence of material eingriffsschwelle”. In fact, concrete is a “unsicheren tatsachengrundlage hinsichtlich der Belastungswirkungen des Eingriffs, der possibile erolge der in Rede Stehenden Behandlungen, der Belastungswirkung der Verbringung ins Krankenhaus, der Belastungswirkung der in Rede Stehenden Alternativbehandlungen and der sich hieraus erggebenden Risks”. The light of the unsafe tatsachengrundlage comes from the gesetzgebers who are separated, while the “absence of the Schutzstandards has been resolved”.

“Hoher Schutzzaun der Klinik eingerissen”

There are responses to Urteil that have not been properly resolved. The Federal Association of Psychiatry-Erfahrener looks at the best hours. The protection of the citizens of the state became “perfide Weise ins Gegenteil verkehrt”. Verstöße gegen de UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention seien vorprogrammiert. The Association can receive outpatient assistance to kill the UN Committee for the Achterertenrecht Conference in Geneva.

“There has not yet been time for a heavy Urteil, we will be a miss in the patient-therapeutic treatment of his treatment,” erklärte Rüdiger Hannig von der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfe. “Der hohe Schutzzaun der Klinik” became eingerissen. “Otherwise you will see that the content is small. It depends on the content, who is the form being used.”

Andrea Gerlach, the Leader of the Housing Association, in the Frau aus dem konkreten Fall unterbracht ist, grüßte wiederum the Entscheidung des Senats. A new rule is needed for the patient, such as Gerlach. It is necessary that you get an “extreme hohem” Zwang in the Klinik. A new problem can ease the patient’s burden.

With material from dpa


BVerfG beansstandet Krankenhausvorbehalt: . In: Legal Tribune Online, 26.11.2024, (completed on: 26.11.2024)

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