
So beeinflusst Ihre first Period den Start der Wechseljahre

So beeinflusst Ihre first Period den Start der Wechseljahre

Frauenärztin klärt auf: Who influences the first period of the Wechseljahre-Start

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    There is no Gentechnik in the Pflanze

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Tuesday, 20.08.2024, 08:41

“In the Corona Pandemic, we are always living with patients, both of them who are happy to deal with it,” said Gynäkologin Sabine Miltenberger – and with explanation, was such that the symptoms of the first period are affected by it at .

When do you set these goals for yourself?

Both women are menopause End 40 bzw. Anfang 50. All things are shared with the complex of the sogenannten „Perimenopause“, also three years before and after the letzten Blutung as Wechseljahre bezeichnet. Wir Mediziner/innen können wiederum den Zeitpunkt des Eintrittts der Menopause per Definitionen first festlegen, wenn eine Frau ein Kalenderjahr nicht more geblutet hat, also first night Enter these effects.

About Sabine Miltenberger

Dr. Sabine Miltenberger, a young woman, absolvierte ihr Medizinstudium an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg between 1993 and 2000. After the inheritance of III. State examinations in the year 2000, started at the current business in the private Frauenklinik Dr. Wilhelm Krüsmann in Munich-Pasing, Wed 2004 during the last war. Anschließend labor sie bis 2010 als angestellte Ärztin in der Münchner Praxis F5H. Since 2007 it has been established as Fachärztin für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe. Since 2010, Dr. Miltenberger has his own Praxis in Munich, Pranner15, and is also a renowned Frauenärztin tätig.

Im Video – Wechseljahre: Wie Sie mit den Richensmitteln Östrogenmangel entgegenwirken können

What information do you have about the beginning of the Wechseljahre?

Those patients report unknown symptoms:

  • furthermore overall Hitze, sogenannte Flushs,
  • trockene Haut und Schleimhäute
  • Cycle instabilities

Also longing, tense or self-absorbed Blutungen who, when they became stronger, could become stronger in their own lives, and they would always be better in practice.

Viele Frauen lead auch below painful PMS symptoms with more psychic Labilität/ Instabilität . Vorbestehende, well-führte psychiatric Grunderkrankungen können in dieser Zeit wieder stärkt reaktiviert or deteriorated. Ouch Migrant Attacks can now exit. Sleep disturbances With Einschlaf- oder Durchschlafproblems were oft reported, so who nightly Aufwachen roads Switzer Attack . This means that both women will be strong Absorption of Libido as well as sexual appetite for the pleasure of orgasm.

We are less likely to be affected by the loss of our women orthopedic symptoms to begin leading:

  • Schmerzen in unterschiedlichen Gelenken (zum Beispiel „frozen shoulder“),
  • Reloading of the muskel power,
  • Verlangamung des Stoffwechsels.

Would you like to know more about what you want to do, if you wish to have some spare time?

One Faustrule is: wenn die Frauen a späte first Periode ohne zichtbare Gründe – who zum Beispiel Leistungssport in dieser Zeit oder a körperlich carete Entwicklunglung, who oft family clause ist – haben, die Blutung früher wieder aus and umgekehrt: früherer Eintrit t of the earliest Period ist oft with the end of the menopause in the future.

Health benefits and health benefits can always be achieved through continued recovery from the illness with subsequent menopause. In the Corona Pandemic, we are always surrounded by patients, both of whom are welcome to quit. After all, the women who live with their lives are as active as they are, but they are half happy with the rest of their lives during the menopause.

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“In the Corona Pandemic, we are always living with patients, both of them who are happy to deal with it,” said Gynäkologin Sabine Miltenberger – and with explanation, was such that the symptoms of the first period are affected by it at .

Die Debatte um Alcoholkonsum erreicht einen neuen Höhepunkt. Future research Uwe Knop asks for a critical look at the latest Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung DGE, die vor jedem Tropfen warnt.

Who long days die Wechseljahre im Durchschnitt?

Durchschnittswerte can be found here quickly, because of the Symptom Complex so it is. The women are still alive during this time, although the last symptoms are present during this time of year, so it will take a long time before they are happy. Aber alles in allem dauert diese Zeit bei den meisten Frauen zwischen three and fünf Jahren.

Unter welchen Symptoms lead Frauen in den Wechseljahren am häufigsten?

As the first symptoms are fast, the health problems with the health benefits of the art are always corrected. The most important diagnosis, which ensures the regulation of hormones for ersatz therapy, is the one in the wall.

What treatment options are available for the symptoms of the disease?

Je nach Beschwerdebild, Wunsch der Patientin und klar Indication bzw. Kontraindikation focuses on the spectrum of the therapies of homoopathic therapy for the treatment of hormonal therapies. These muss are not always systemic, as well as for the joint body, they can be dealt with, without the need for a place to be, also special, such as the physical environment and the vaginal Schleimhäuten – so that they can be used.

Also very helpful since local therapy is available in our home. Modern hormone therapy is based on bioidentical hormones, which are highly stimulated, individually adjusted.

Dieser Text stemmt von einem Experten aus dem FOCUS online EXPERTS Circle. Unsere Experts verügen über hohes Fachwissen in ihrem Themenbereich und nicht Teil der Redaktion. More inheritance.