
Was tägliches Gehen für die Gesundheit tut – das Experiment – Delete

Was tägliches Gehen für die Gesundheit tut – das Experiment – Delete

Hand on Heart: When we go from A to B, it is often the case that it is possible to get tired and quickly come to fruition. If you have some kind of experience: The laurel is an unpleasant energy sink. What lies in our genes. While the war with the civilization of energy war is very flexible, the energy is multiplied with its own energy.

Everyone is white, that Gehen is healthy. It is more than the rule of Wissen. If you want to see the Tatsache in no time, you can perform the activities in a non-established company.

It is one of the most likely things that have to do with all possible products of the manufacturer and no healthy food, while Olivia Braillard from the Department for Home Health Medicine at the University Hospital of Geneva: “That body activity is good for health, is nothing new. Everyone knows, that body is healthy. It is more than the rule of knowledge. If you want to see the Tatsache in no time, you can start an active activity in your society.”

If you don’t want the Movement Mangels to bother you anymore, can’t you even motivate us to move? Part of the time that a start has been made: Six people change their movement routines and let me accompany them.

You dare to experiment

Véronique Ouédraogo, Angelo Preite, Dany Manta, Séverine Marzorati and the couple Anne-Marie and Steve Richard imagine the herausforderung: Zum einen, look at Fahrstuhl and Rolltreppe and empty zum others. Monate long lasts 6’000 Schritte pro Tag zu Fuss zurück, webei am Anfang and at the End of the Experiments a Health Check durchgeführt wird.

Laut WHO entails active signals of 150 minutes of medium and 75 minutes of intensive physical activity during the week. For the person who has to deal with all sitting verbs in his life, this is a clear explanation for Olivia Braillard: «Viele Menschen thinks: ‹So I have to buy, my health benefits are good for them›. Anyway, the fact is that it is now a little bit more and can have a positive effect on the results.»

The Krux-dabei: There is an unglazed schwirig, your Gewohnheiten zu ändern. «If you have this voice in your head, it says: ‹Zu Hause is maar een schönsten, dat ik mijn entspannen, zit op de bank, een serie schauen …›», dear Séverine Marzorati.

Das Gehirn has made a story in Gang, that’s great. If you don’t want to make an activity or a connection to a connection anymore, it’s so easy that it’s often offered.

Was or was this but this Voice in the Head? ‘When you’re separated, you want to do that and you want to get really warm. And that’s all connected to our anxiety. If it’s good, it’s a fact that the Gang has been set in motion, if it’s good. If you don’t want to do an activity or a connection with each other anymore, it’s like the Stories are contributing, explains Jérôme Barral, Lehr- en Researcher at the Institute for Sports Sciences in Lausanne.

A whole series of advantages

Except for ‘difficult’ things, if the motivation is not right. It may be that it is no different to weld, even if the person is aware of the Vorteile des Gehens.

Motivation tips for more steps in everyday life

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It’s not that easy, if you’re motivated, says sports scientist and professor for the psychosocial community at the University of Basel, Markus Gerber. Here are a few tips:

  • Handy, laptop and tablet are a huge Zeitfresser, if you want to take a trip. Deshalb: Reduzeren Sie Ihre Zeit online.
  • The good goal: We are able to motivate ourselves for the sport, dare to take on the roller treppe statt der treppe. Do you no longer want to go to the Lift and Rolltreppe view?
  • Plans Sie Spaziergänge in Ihren Alltag ein. Zum Beispiel zum Einkaufen or auf dem Heimweg vom Büro.
  • Listen to yourself: Ohne Spaziergang kein Evenings. Or: After the Evenings is one of the most important things in the block – and then someone can watch a movie.
  • Enjoy yourself with friends and family.
  • Vielleicht hilft financier Anreiz? Viele Krankenkassen beet Rabatte an, when man moves. Jeder Schritt zählt and am Schluss can spare a man Prämie.
  • If you have a heart-warming Couch-Potato, you can find a Health-Coach.

And: You can get more writing, but then you can get more spasm. Moisturize?

It has a positive effect on Muskeln, Gelenke, Knochen, the Herz-Kreislauf-System, the Verdauung and the Sleep. There are hilft, blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases and a number of Krebserkrankungen vorzubeugen.

You can be more comfortable with the unmittelbaren Auswirkungen auf das Wohlbefinden. A break is taken with Alltag, which forms the vitamin D level, reduces negative reactions, anxiety and strangles and regulates the Ausschüttung von Endorphins and. Also von den Wohlfühlhormones, which cause Stress and Depression.

I am happy, with my small Schweisstropfens zu können: I have bought my first 10,000 credits. Die ersten 10,000 Schritte seit Start with our experiments.

One of the positive results that emerges from the experiments is: ‘If it is a blood clot: if you find a fight on the road, it is a good thing. I have fewer backaches, I am fitter and have found so much joy in life,’ Anne-Marie Richard thinks.

And Dany Manta says: «I am free, I can tell those little schweisstropfens that I can: I have bought 10,000. Die ersten 10.000 Schritte seit Begin our Versuchs. I am always happy with my children, and it was not cool at first, so I am happy with my children and their children.»

The functional operation of the kitchen and the organ is unreliable, when man is regularly robbed. There is every opportunity to move, to come. It has become an automatism, but man has never been so old. «When you are in a Geschäft, I think about whether there is a step. This Gewohnheit was preserved for me. So complicated is not bad, says Véronique Ouédraogo.

Improvement of the fabrics

After six months of regular movements the tests are set. And the experimental results may well be spread out. In the joining of the parts and the components the proportions in the device are set to the short life and the material way.

Véronique Ouédraogos Blutwerte, who were fine at the beginning of the Versuchs ausserordentlich gut, remained unaltered, having carried 2.5 kg little at the Waage. Anne-Marie Richard reversed cholesterol levels and quickly lost weight. Angelo Preite was able to construct one of the main jetties, while the water level remains stable. Steve Richard benefited from the weight he gained in pounds and a reduced diabetes risk.

If all goes well, the teilnehmerinnen and the teilnehmer are a huge stream of their short lifestyle and the healthy health.

Also at Séverine Marzorati said that his brand mentions were at the Blutzuckerwerten. When the cholesterol level starts, his belly war begins, his own opinion is not a confusion of tongues. But it is so that the cholesterol level in your intestines reaches a high value and that you can reach a certain dose. Also Dany Manta could observe his Blutzuckerspiegel. When the sick leave was not fair, it was so that the month long a schnittliche epitome of schrittzahl was aware, which was positive on his cholesterol level.

“I have learned that the parts and the parts have an enormous flow of their livelihood and the prosperity. It is clear that it is in the form of concrete, tangible Blood Values. That is the most important thing, it is worth taking the decisions in general: ‹Through that we can take our health again ourselves in the Hand›», said Olivia Braillard.

Die sechs Geh-Freudigen stehen aber frst am Anfang: ‘It is the beginning of our absence. “We will have more fun with you,” says Angelo Preite zum Schluss.