
Luftgekühlt Copenhagen with Rennmeister & Magnus Walker war a party of their own

Luftgekühlt Copenhagen with Rennmeister & Magnus Walker war a party of their own

Während sintflutarige raingüsse at Goodwood Revival at the last working day of the Garaus, laughing the Wettergötter from Copenhagen and Lufts dänische Ausrichter herab. You can enjoy an unparalleled aesthetic and acoustic atmosphere for a weekend.

This war was first performed as the orange color of Porsche-Flotte at Luftgekühlts before the Stopp in Wroclaw, Poland, Australia. If you want to know more about how to earn your money, and the four cars, the rennmeister project under the Ägide-unserer In-House Creative Agency CD Works, go to the Vilhelm Lauritzen Terminal des Kopenhagener Flughafens.

This place is self-proclaimed and it is Special. In the 1930s, the Masterpiece of Modernity was changed in a time, in the no typology for the Aussehen who had a flight. The architecture is perfect and offers excellent performance and a well-developed deck, the robust steel construction with a more vulnerable material works, which makes the wind blow faster. If it is good, VIPs are busy contemplating the works of Picasso and inspired by Braque. The design functions with a time machine, which all, the eintreten, in one of the gray Anzüge and black Krawatten transporters, as man schon morgens Whiskey and Cigarettes genoss.

There are many VIPs who helped the legendary Porsche Collector, the evil Fashion Mogul and the Outlaw Kingmaster Magnus Walker, at the Lufts Event Guest of Jägermeister war. Magnus signed and told a limited edition (now 25 pieces) of the Cooperation Plakats in his hm and the Rennmeister Project, was a sure Chaos leader, the man stands three hours one, to get the Chance, with my zu speak.

There is a Magnus – and a striking one once -, that is a time when people in the Schlange know, sich mit out of auszutauschen, they ask, where they are, what they do, what they drive and so on. Every starts a few minutes and ends with a ‘Skål’- and ‘Stay Weird!’-result.

When a poster is released, people are brought into their own example, they are officially in the Luftgekühlt-Shop bought how to buy sneakers, lacers, T-shirts, grandchildren, etc. End with the program of the Abschluss and someone will be David Piper’s iconic, green 917: The must but still one of the best sounds of man is an entführte a direct to Le Mans, similarly where is the signal, now the stage to space and other shine to weld.

Of course it concerns other cars. The beautiful Flugzeug-Hangar from the Holz-beherbergte of the Beispiele des 356, which all tatsächlich with Bonbons anmuteten, will no longer be for the Exemplar gilded, with the Bruce Jennings Rennen fuhr – zweifarbige Lackierung in Silver and Burgunderrot, Motorsport-Aufkleber and Uberrollkäfig . The Parkplaces were filled with all the new air-conditioning machines – these were 914, 911, a 959 and a 956 and so many other special metals. Ebenfalls zu beaunen gab es a Präsentation zum 50. Geburtstag des 911 Turbo. Unser Lieblingsauto at Diesem Event? Of course, from the Rennmeister-Flotte it’s a matter of a pastel yellow, evil RSR by Emerson Fittipaldi, who has heard the first Pablo Escobar. Let it be you somehow to make the fixture work on the fixture, nor a few white remove powders?

Kein Treffen dieser kunst where conceivable, ohne on the üblichen Macher and Persönlichkeiten der Autoszene zu stoßen. At the fantastic Luft-Pre-Party in Copenhagen’s maleriekem Meatpacking-Viertel founded with the organizers Jeff Zwart and Patrick Long, Photographer Vince Perraud, Ken Hake alias Mr. Petro-Surf highly personal, Influencer Hanna Schönwald, Graphic Designer Sophie Küppers and others Friendly Porsche -Crews who man the Hamburg Heck Crew. The atmosphere of the Abends War has erupted and spread with wonderful people, cars and great art in Essen in Hülle and Full.

If this whole thing abandons punk, maybe there will still be a Magnus Walker slumber. Trotz der Reizüberflutung, de Solchen Events eigen ist en man schier überwältigt van der Zahl en Auto’s en der überbordden Kreativität, stellten wir aber fest, dass for round a Jahrzehnt is Magnus war, der those Szene whom no one influenced and preached for him. All the motorsport-inspired Türgriffe, the Balsa/Skateboard-Schaltknaufe, gelben Frontscheinwerfer and Aftermarket-Räder (teils von Magnus self-entworfen) and the Luft versammelten Modellen would be an unsatisfactory bar of Walkers bahnbrechendem “Outlaw Style” influenced.

There is no problem, in the own instigation of the problem, but we will have it at Luftgekühlt, then, that is Magnus Walker’s Motto “keep it weird” – their Eigensinn and their Hang zum Merkwürdigen treu bleiben – the Spielplan für die Zukunft ist .

Photos by Igor Sinitsin