
DGB wirft Arbeitgebern Verweigerungshaltung beim Mindestlohn vor

DGB (Archives), via dts Nachrichtenagentur

The Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund offers the workers a refusal to comply with the Umsetzung der EU-Mindestlohnrichtlinie vor.

“The worker has two years to decide for himself. Jetzt with major poltere matters when it comes to contracts, is no different than a refusal, an armutsfesten Mindestlohn on the St. Nimmerleinstag zu schieben, ” said DGB-Vorstand Stefan Körzell of the “Nieuwe Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

The EU Minimum Wage Directive must be amended in German law by mid-November. This was the last time that Foreign Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) decided to pay an amount of 15 euros in 2026.

“If you make a decision and the main committee of the minister makes a statement, which the EU-Kommission demands,” Körzell continued. With ‘Wortbruch’, when the Minister of Justice has been given power, it is ‘rein gar nichts zu tun’.

Critical, because higher awareness in the long-term Wirtschaftslage ensures that the lifespan of the DGB does not last longer. “The highest level of thought is based on the values ​​of the environment, because of the indoor environment, we will quickly complete it in the future,” said Körzell der NOZ.

That’s why Jobs were lost, see a Mär. „That we know at a later time, as the Mindestlohn eingeführt wurde. These were the neoliberal Wirtschaftswissenschaftler completely daneben. The meaning is the whole thing: It is a direct Job-Tree,” thus Körzell. If a number of jobs shift, the regulations will be adjusted.

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: DGB (Archive), via dts Nachrichtenagentur