
1974: As Real Madrid with Netzer and Breitner at VfB gastierte – Fußball

1974: As Real Madrid with Netzer and Breitner at VfB gastierte – Fußball

The service (21 hours) is from VfB Stuttgart at the Champions-League-Comeback at Guest at Real Madrid. Bereits 1974 were die ruhmreichen “Königlichen” Gegner der Swaben.

Hermann Ohlicher can continue for a long time to follow the Karriere at VfB Stuttgart on the Zurückblicken. In 389 you play from 1973 to 1985 with the Trikot with the rotten bruring, in 1984 with Deutscher Meister with the Schwaben. A game, a Freundschaftsspiel, which in 74 years time until now did not go further than the next episode: Das Duell for 50 years against Real Madrid.

There is a spice war in the nekar stadium. On November 17, 1974, an additional tag in the Stuttgart Fußballgeschichte, for the früheren Stuttgarter Kapitän Ohlicher, who has an SWR Sport-bestätigt: “Das war ein Riesenerlebnis vor full Haus, an absoluteer Höhepunkt”. Those “Königlichen” were guests at VfB. A test game with a lot of kickern and greater audience resonance: Real Madrid, the well-known “weiße Ballett”, locked up 55,000 dollars in the Cannstatter Arena. Extra weight for a Test game. After the Gegner War had become a bit bigger, the Zeit was Erfolgreichste Mannschaft der Welt.

Günter Netzer and Paul Breitner with dabei in Stuttgart

Schon long voor Spielbeginn herrschte an jenem Sonntagabend Volksfest-Atmosphäre around the Neckarstadion, war der Mannschaftsbus der Madrilenen bei der Ankunft for allem von Spanisch Fans schwer umlagert More than 10,000 Real-Fans feierten for dem Anpfiff with Wein and Tanz eine Art “Fiesta Espanola” , who is the damage claim of the SDR rapporteur, Helmut G. Müller, ausdrückte. When we saw a different view of the European rulers from the Landesmeisters 50 years ago, it was longer wandering, strömten and diesem Tag de Fußballanhänger after Stuttgart.

There was about two German Weltmeistern behind: the 74er WM-Heroes Günter Netzer and Paul Breitner received the blue Trikot, sollten bei Real für fresh Wind sogen. And that’s what I did in the end series: 1975 and 1976 were with Madrid as Spanish Meister. 1975, when Pokalsieger started, the road went over the trennnts.

Real Madrid was born after the Saison Spanish Master

While the ex-Gladbacher Netzer played for a year in the Spanish Hauptstadt war, Breitner first beckoned Wochen for the game in Stuttgart of FC Bayern nach Madrid. A completely entscheidender Transfer for Real. “Der Einbau von Paul Breitner ist für us and yet für mich sehr wichtig gewesen”, began Günter Netzer, when we had become alto in the course of the 80s, as the real trend of the tabenführes in the Spanish League in the 1974 season /75, die auch inheritance with the victory of the master titles endete, “weil I am happy in the National Mannschaft well with my intellects habe”.

Paul Breitner says he didn’t play the game in the Neckarstadion with the euphoric Spanish fans, but he really started with the einlaufen of the Mannschaften, really wie meist in the more beautiful playing style of the cabinets. Both Superstars, Breitner and Netzer, get the sale of jewels with a jubilation of 35,000 dollars.

Reports regarding FC Bayern’s understanding of Breitner gegenüber SDR-Reporter Müller übrigens mit fehlender Motivation at Münchnern, in 1974 everything was won: “The lust for the game was lost, that Kraft was not more than that”. Der Wechsel zum Weltclub Real Madrid for an Ehrgeizling whom Breitner also follows.

Paul Breitner with Real Madrid at Guest at VfB Stuttgart

Paul Breitner with Real Madrid at Guest at VfB Stuttgart



Hermann Ohlicher “goes to Elfmeter die Pumpe”

Zum Spiel itself: After a mistake and Helmut Dietterle brought VfB-Torjäger Hermann Ohlicher Stuttgart into Führung by Elfmeter with 1:0. “It is true that we have to save so often and that Real can no longer pump,” laughs Hermann Ohlicher in the conversation with SWR Sport. As long as the party is live, Sonntagabend is in the ZDF übertragen wurde. Erstaunlich übrigens: The VfB has a tag that neither plays in the Bundesliga at Eintracht Frankfurt, nach 3:5-Rückstand nor spektakulär 5:5. Look here for Ohlicher zheimal für Stuttgart.

A stronger Netzer and an even stronger Breitner-heizten after Hermann Ohlichers Führungstreffer de Swabiaen kräftig ein, for all Breitner separated with his activities under the überragende VfB-Torhüter Gerhard Heinze. Hermann Ohlicher, who spent his last years on Nordstrand and Nordsee, said that he was still not the father of both: “Netzer war lauferisch gut druf, Breitner trieb mit del Bosque das Spiel von Real an”, knows the 96 evil Bundesliga- Torschütze after who fell Details in the 90 Minutes.

Santillana with a 1:1 final score for Real

Shortly before the break war of the reactive VfB-keeper Heinze then shaved, as Real-Mittelstürmer Santillana with a trauma at the 1:1 final score. The Spanish Nationalstürmer has a right flank volley gezimmert in the Stuttgarter Netz.

Erstaunlich übrigens: The VfB has a tag that neither plays in the Bundesliga at Eintracht Frankfurt, nach 3:5-Rückstand nor spektakulär 5:5. Here you will find Hermann Ohlicher zheimal für Stuttgart.

Win for Club and Fans of the VfB

Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder, who had suffered the damage he had suffered, was the Frage nach de Kosten voor de Auftritt der Madrilenen in Stuttgart. “Wir haben das Spiel für 90,000 Mark net waived, including Hotel and Flugkosten”, said the Spätere President of the VfB, from 2015. Bei Eintrittspreisen von durchschnittlich sechs Mark (!) blieben with the Einnahme of fell Zuschauer sogar nor 100,000 Mark for die Stuttgarter übrig, so MV. There is a time for an orderly meeting for a Bundesligisten.

Ohlicher and the lost Real-Trikot

Am Ende is also a financier for the Verein. Before everything, there is a football match for VfB Stuttgart players and fans. Great quotes for Torschütze Hermann Ohlicher: “I have always been proud of my story with a real player, the leader is in the same state of mind.” Damage drum…

Real Madrid in the Stuttgarter Arena – on November 16, 1993 the war started, this match ended with a 1:1 accident. The Weltmeister and the evil Real-Stars Günter Netzer and Paul Breitner have maintained their Spieler-Karriere for a long time. Ebenso Hermann Ohlicher, from 1985, died Kickstiefel and the Nagel hängte. I have been living since I lived in the house and died in the end of November 17, 1974. And now we are celebrating 50 years in our new home on the Nordstrand.