
Get started in the test industry for the new WildWarner

Get started in the test industry for the new WildWarner


Zehn Jahren provides a special Wild Warning System on the steep street. They ended up in the Leitpfosten entlang von Straßen with the starkem Wildwechsel mechanic. Jetzt starts new Wildwarner on the Straßenpflöcken in two Test regions.

More than 8,000 Wildtiere sterben laut Jagdstatistik jährlich on steirischen Straßen. When the Wildernessval of the year 2015 began, the project “Wildlife Protection and Traffic Safety Steiermark” was started. The Wildwarn system was introduced in the Styria, the Landesjägerschaft and the Land- en Forstbetrieben.

Zahl der Rehunfälle grim zurückgegangen

Rund 790 Kilometers Landes- and rund 28 Kilometers Gemeindestraßen since 2015 with Wildwarngeräten ausgestattet. Rund 500 Jägerinnen und Jäger bereuen diese mit dem Straßendienst in 280 Revieren.

The wild fall would have started over the years, said Landesrätin Ursula Lackner (SPÖ): “If there were optical and acoustic warnings, it is true that 70 projects could be prevented from falling. And if it is of course about the end of the Jägerschaft, it is about the Tierleid, and it is all about few people who suffer harm.”

Verbesserte Geräte, Testbetrieb in two Regions

It is possible that the device is still being used. The new Wildwarner with UV LEDs was tested in two regions, according to project leader Wolfgang Steiner. „We will be happy with everything, after that it will pass, and after that we will be able to make progress. The power is keinen Sinn. UV light in the Vorteil, if man no longer sees, the level can no longer be visible. That’s right, no one could blend it. It would be a problem near the house. One region is in the Leibnitz region, the other region is in the Hartberg-Fürstenfeld region.”

Entwickelt wurden the new Geräte in Stainz von BPM. Geschäftsführer Kevin Buichl-Ruisz said: “Das Gerät lost from the Scheinwerferlicht from 250 to 300 meters Entfernung and then fängt by Pfeifen and Blinken one, in the Fall in all four Farben. The level of the Fahrbahn-verlassen or sich gar nicht nähern. We could have a wider spectrum and experience more and more, which means that the damage will not happen again.”