
Altes Haus am Neuen Ort, Hof Hueck open for 50 years in the Kurpark seine Pforten

Altes Haus am Neuen Ort, Hof Hueck open for 50 years in the Kurpark seine Pforten

  1. Soester view
  2. Locals
  3. Bad Sassendorf

Altes Haus am Neuen Ort, Hof Hueck open for 50 years in the Kurpark seine Pforten
Der Hof Hueck has a great experience in the Kurpark. Das Haus is located in Unna-Niedermassen, in all Einzelteile-zerlegt, after Bad Sassendorf. © Heyke Köppelmann

Another house in the new Ort. Man can use a device that consists of a few habits on the Platz, where a complete whole arises, 200 years the other Bauernhaus on the Wanderschaft has gone. Everything else as an einfache Angelegenheit.

Bad Sassendorf – In the 1970s the year was conquered Kurpark one of the other Neuzugang: In an inconspicuous Einzelteile zerlegt comb der in Unna-Niedermassen schon vom Verfall bedrohte historic Hof Hueck damals in Bad Sassendorf and, a dort bare in ursprünglicher Schönheit zu erstrahlen. Under the roof of the Stattlichen Vierstanderhauses sollten sich Gäste, who visited the Heilbad, anyway, who sich etwas Gutes gönnen wolllten, im urlüchsigen, westfälische Ambiente round well-being. If you cook from the kitchen kitchen, it is essential that you stay a few days longer, one of the quiet in green situated, comfortable Hotel rooms round to genius. There is another idea that is emerging.

50 years ago, in the summer of 1974, it was about a year and a half ago when public interest in Pforten began. dem aus dem Stand heraus inheritance Greichen Start follow in the Spätherbst the official Feier with the Vertretern der Öffentlichkeit and the am Bau Beteiligten, die zwanglos auf der einstigen Tenne, in ehemaligen Pferde- and in Kuhstall movements and sich beim offizieellen Termin davon überzeugten, that’s in Bad Sassendorf “wieder eeninmal gelungen ist, the dörflichen character zu erhalten“. If you recognize the care of the modern sanatorium after the Bautätigkeit, the first patients will die out.

“The little hiding place in the Kurpark”, so the new Kurdirektor Rudolf Hilger has received a new historical history of the reporting statutes that the Zeitung über die Eröffnung have shown. © Heyke Köppelmann

May you see your new house in the Kurpark with your full life, wish it 1. Landesrat Klaus Meyer-Schwickerath vom Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Zugleich Vorsitzender der Gesellschafterversammlung der Saline Bad Sassendorf GmbH. Bad Sassendorf’s Bürgermeister Wilhelm Timmermann has had an idea, which is a Zweifel, if there is a bigger plan, a whole Gebäude zu verpflanzen. If you want to see all the frühere Skepsis, it will be expanded. Er sei froh, “that dieses Schmuckkästchen“ now in the Kurpark stehe.

Bergrat a. D. Eduard Hueck said, whoever sent our messages, one of the above messages first time in the year 1316, married Family Hueck and a great challenge during a year in Bad Sassendorf. Architekt Köster’s übergab symbolically the Schlüssel and the Hausherrn, Kurdirektor Rudolf Hilger, who explained his vision and the young Geschäftsführer couple, Udo and Suse Jeske. Trotz der immense support and mancher Schwierigkeiten beim Bau has ihm die Arbeit an dieser Stelle vor allem eins, nämlich sehr fell Spaß gemacht, concretet there. The Hof Hueck was the appropriate Ergänzung zu allem, was bisher schon in Bad Sassendorf wurde. Statistics of 30 million marks can be invested over the years. With 76 Prozent Bettenauslastung stehe Bad Sassendorf sogar an erster Stelle in der Bundesrepublik. The Zahl der Badeärzte is inzwischen von four auf 14 rises. If you click on the Hof Hueck, the following will be terminated: Insgesamt seien 2700 laufende Meter für das Dachverbandholz anyway 3600 laufende Meter für das ußere Fachwerk veraut zijn. There is no iron wire you can find, but one of the traditional crafts is a holznagel of a higher festive spirit.

Also, Soester dared to stay in the rural barn in Bad Sassendorf. If everything had been transferred smoothly and everything would have been done! The Rosenau-Sanatorium started in the Wiesengrund Clinic, in the Park and in the Malerwinkel in the 1970s in the Betrieb. With Hof Hueck war in Heilbad, a malicious attraction has been added. Anyway, the house with its powerful oak beams has been given shape to the shape and everything has changed through practice. The work has been done, that’s all. Dr. Gerhard Groot, the damaged city director of Soester, many thanks. Speis and Trank are played by a Feier in Herzen Westfalen with the music as Ausdruck von Freude, Geselligkeit and Brauchtum: Die Hornbläser des Hegerings Lohne begins the Gratulationsreigen with his sounds.