
Mass tourism of the Zukunft: Bloß nicht dahin, wo’s schön ist

Mass tourism of the Zukunft: Bloß nicht dahin, wo’s schön ist

It is a unique find – it is gold plated for the Zukunft’s hours of sorting. Unsere Kolumnistin träumt von lizenzierten Urlaubsverderbern.

It’s even more interesting: Mass tourism in Sardinia Photo: Joeran Steinsiek/imago

Urlaub is nothing more than a war: Traumstrände quellen über vor Billigtouristen, in Wasser schwimmt der Müll. Einstige Geheimtipps that are crystal clear Bergseen and the Instagrammability zugrunde. The Mallorquiner demonstrates mass tourism for the new Tagesgebühren desire.

I vermut, the situation has become even more important in a hundred years and my time-traveling friend Felix has put the situation to the test in 2124.

“Have you got mass tourism in the Griff-bekommen?”, I ask, as a thread with beer and butterbrew on my cute terrace cozy have made. “So, if you want to enjoy the Touris more, do you want to make a quiet holiday in the Ruhe Urlaub?”, it sounds and grins maliziös. “Yes, and tourism generates the nature and culture of the city, which first comes out of the closet in its own country. “

“Sure. I for my part have not been in vacation for years! In general, the number of vacations in the hundreds of years that we are longer, we will become even more touristic. Add the Hotspots. For the best world culture with the Tadsch Mahal or the Schweriner Schloss is a small loser of the Unesco, although the visitor quotes became equal and no longer the Superreichen themselves such an effort is worth. If it is a different method, mass tourism will do part of its work and buy a number of work places. Every tourist resort, which has something on it, further promotes vacations. “

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“Don’t put that sparrow man to rest. Die kommen von allein. First letzte Woche im ICE saß neben mir so ein furchtbarer Typ …” “Und jetzt stell dir vor, solche Leute: misanthropische Sturköpfe, Exzentriker, Narzissten und Besserwisser meet im Urlaub nicht more zufällig of unbescholtene Families, especially they were sould in Regions geschickt, the roads of overtourism pass through the Kollaps Stehen. You can continue your holiday: Frühmorgens with Handtüchern the best Poolliegen reservations, at the Salatbuffet all Fleischbällchen a herauspicken, on Beach über Sangriaeimer-stolpern and in überfüllten Bus heart-bought Eier essen.

You park in your cars and beach promenade and tragedy at Theaterbesuch Hüte with breiter Krempe. A restaurant that frees a restaurant, will spend a pleasant time, have a lifelong fun, and in jedem Club it will be witty, while you sleep during the sleep and the night in the blumenkübel.

You will have a holiday destination, the more holiday destinations must be developed by UNESCO and the greater the risk for tourists to embark on. If the trip is such a direct hailstorm during a short trip, it will not be as fast as a travel soul is, but it is not such a strong frequency. Ist Mittlerweile erwesen.

“Irgendwie habe ich des Gefühl, dass du diesen Job zemlich good kennst.”

“Yes, were you happy that you had a war in Urlaub? As a travel agent, I am taken care of for travel, and costs and accommodation are free!”