
CHECK24 power Quereinsteigern gerade dieses top Jobangebot in Mönchengladbach

CHECK24 power Quereinsteigern gerade dieses top Jobangebot in Mönchengladbach

CHECK24 braucht Unterstützung in der Kreditberatung und dit jetzt Quereinsteiger (m/w/d)! Es warten top Aufstiegschancen, good Gehalt, moderns Arbeitsumfeld

Mönchengladbach – As a platform for online credit comparison, CHECK24 where you are a Begriff for. Was the power of Mark own as Arbeitgeber?

We have put together a new fragment and a new team with Kevin Quereinstieg as Kreditberater (m/w/d) interviewed.

Bridges: We can make even more money on the fastest and easiest way to advertising.

First of all, we want to know more about our work at CHECK24.

CHECK24 like Quereinsteiger (m/w/d) in the Kreditberatung

At CHECK24 in Mönchengladbach, the bank is different.

At CHECK24 in Mönchengladbach, the bank is different. © control24

If a man in the Büro von CHECK24 in Mönchengladbach trit, man stolpert wohl kaum über Berge an Aktenordnern and Schnurtelefonen – and wahrscheinlich trägt auch one one anzug.

Stattdessen erwartet Quereinsteiger als Kreditberater (m/w/d) here ein modern office with lockerem workspacezum Beispiel Tischennis, Billard und Kicker.

Three times a week there is free ridesdazu kostenlose Getränke anyway Obst & Gemüse. And moist time-saving technology with MacBooks and noise cancelling headphones The Work is Leicht von der Hand.

I am Team of CHECK24 stehen single pro Quartal paid team events from Lasertags such as the Quatschcomedyclub with its playing at Borussia Mönchengladbach or Fußball-Golf on the plan.

And that year in October it’s a party for all teams in Greece 😉

Neue Mitarbeiter can enjoy many benefits for themselves.

Neue Mitarbeiter can enjoy many benefits for themselves. © control24

If there are no more roads in the Arbeitsumfelds, it is financially possible to find a job at CHECK24: Beispielsweise can get a certain job internal voucher program save up to 2,000 euros.

At the same time a attractive body model and perhaps an incorrect representation of time, while the inside of the inside of a three years is doubled!

Other benefits of viewing:

  • Moeglichkeit zum mobilen Arbeiten
  • Please take care of your concerns about Altersvorsorge
  • Zuschuss zum Deutschlandticket (JobTicket) und Jobrad-Leasing
  • individual Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten

Sounds exciting? Then you won’t have any problems with your little one’s eyes behind the Kulissen from CHECK24!

Employee Kevin suggested the job

Like Kevin, he appreciates the pleasant atmosphere and the varied Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.

Like Kevin, he appreciates the pleasant atmosphere and the varied Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. © control24

If you are a junior credit advisor (m/f/d) at CHECK24, Kevin can work in the credit team at the new location in Mönchengladbach from April 2024.

TAG24: Warum did Du Dich von Deinem get an arbitration? Was it CHECK24 different?

Kevin: My previous arbitration has created a small recovery and entwicklungsmöglichkeiten more – I was able to fill myself in a monotonous environment, which provides little space for personal needs and support.

The change to CHECK24 was also a possibility, I could enter more into a dynamic and innovative environment. During painting and knitting palette and financial products my possibilities can be more.

TAG24: Was Gefällt Dir een der Täglichen Arbeit?

Kevin: If I find it great, it is a positive influence on the financing of financial matters that can lead to a bigger problem. Every day also has new challenges and opportunities!

TAG24: Who lives happily in Mönchengladbach?

Kevin: The City finds its basic living environment – I can play, because the Minto Einkaufszentrum is located in a separate working place and a number of other leisure options in the Nähe since. It was possible that air quality levels would change.

That is the power of the ideal Kreditberater (m/w/d) aus

If you wish to purchase a gift, please visit CHECK24 if your credit provider (m/w/d) wishes to come.

If you wish to purchase a gift, please visit CHECK24 if your credit provider (m/w/d) wishes to come. © control24

If Kevin likes it, his ideal team colleague will also become professionalism, team orientation and communication – so it is best that there is an error.

The “Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte” was such, when the college got a new idea and aroused its previous experiences.

That’s just a matter of time:

  • Verkaufstalent met Erfahrung im telephone Vertrieb (optional with Affinität zu Finanzprodukten)
  • Abgeschlossene Kaufmännische Berufsausbildung or relevant Berufserfahrung
  • ausgeprägter Leistungs- und Erfolgswillen
  • souveränes & professionelles Auftreten
  • Team spirit

Jetzt in few Schritten bewerben

You can imagine the CHECK24 team as Quereinsteiger (m/w/d) in der Kreditberatung what did you think? Then bewirb Dich directly here!

And so it went:

1. Dating in the formulated formula and optional Lebenslauf hochladen

2. Open mailbox

3. Click the link in the confirmation email

Danach setzt sich jemand von CHECK24 mit Dir in Verbindung, ist een wieder während sich jemand von CHECK24 mit Dir in Verbindung.

We wish we had a legacy with our Bewerbung!