
Das FrauenNetz walks through the Kleine Emme entlang |

Das FrauenNetz walks through the Kleine Emme entlang |

The idyllic Picknick-Platz is a gem of a place. Image zVg.

The gemütliche Tour der FrauenNetz-Wandergruppe started in Schachen der Emme entlang zum Schwellisee. I send the Stauwehr and the beautiful angelic Picnic Square on the Mittagsrast, before Wanderziel Malters comes to war.

pd. Ebikon. The high water catastrophe in August 2005 with large surpluses, surface erosion in the valleys of the small Emme with increasing flooding and damage over 320 million is certainly still in deep memory. The reaction of the canton followed a flood protection and renovation project. If you continue with roads and nature, you can deal with nature in an attractive way for a while.

The sporting Tour started in Werthenstein and was celebrated during the historically decked Holzbrücke, which started in the year 1775. The Wallfahrtskirche Werthenstein is majestically enthroned on the Felsen über der Kleinen Emme. Die bewegte Geschichte der Kirche geht zurück bis ins ins 16. Jahrhundert en basiert auf einner Engelserscheinung. Our Klosteranlage is a steeper path to the “Gnadenbrünneli” with its healing water. After 200 years, the Monastery of the Lucerne Regierung has been preserved. Heute serve the Räume teilweise der Pfarrei. Ebenfalls bestht for Pilgernde an overnight accommodation, which auf dem vorbeiführenden Jakobsweg belowwegs.

After an examination of the Wallfahrtskirche and a historical view at the back of Tal, the final destination of the Pilatuskette and the Mittelland, the Reisegruppen der Kleine Emme walks onwards to the Schwellisee before heading to Malters.

Both Wandergruppen stayed at the Hotel Kreuz in Malters near the Abschluss-Trunk. Eindrücken beach started with all the Bahn-heimwärts.