
Ipsos Macht freiwilliges öffentliches Übernahmeangebot für infas, de Branchenführer in Bereich Politik- und Sozialforschung in Deutschland

Ipsos Macht freiwilliges öffentliches Übernahmeangebot für infas, de Branchenführer in Bereich Politik- und Sozialforschung in Deutschland

Ipsos Macht freiwilliges öffentliches Übernahmeangebot für infas, de Branchenführer in Bereich Politik- und Sozialforschung in Deutschland

Paris/Hamburg, August 23, 2024 – Ipsos, one of the prosperous market economies, has made voluntary financing available for infas Holding AG – a major company in the market, financial sector and social economy in Germany.

During these transactions, the international supervisors can further expand the global Reichsweitse and their know-how with the business operations and reputation of the associations and their position as providers of market and trade services in Germany.

With a fast 20,000 meters, a strong global price in 90 Ländern and über 5,000 Kunden weltweit is one of the largest market and financial facilities in the world. Seine Expertinnen und Experten in Forschung und Analyze die extensive know-how of Multispezialisten, de interplay in Handlungen, Meinungen und Motivaties ermöglicht en een verstandnis van Gesellschaft, Marken und Menschen lief. In Germany, Ipsos has over 500 dedicated locations in Germany: Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt and Nuremberg.

in the Sitz in Bonn there is a private and unrelated Markt-, Meinungs- und Maatschappelijk Forschungsinstitute, which for Unternehmen, Wissenschaft und Politik provides and robbed. Das Leistungsspektrum is een maßgeschneiderte national und International Studie, z. B. in der Arbeitsmarkt-, Bildungs- und Verkehrsforschung. In 1959, a third of the time was suspended for 300 years, but 150 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler verschiedener Disziplinen, and ist with an amount of 50 Millionen Euro (2023) for the viertgrößte of the Deutschen Institute.

infas is börsennotiert. The Hauptaktionäre des Unternehmens, die voor 77.52 Prozent der Eigentumsverhältnisse stehen, haben der Übernahme bereits zigestimmt.

Ben Page, CEO of Ipsosexplained: “The new combination of companies will be one of the largest industry associations in Germany – a strategic investment market for Ipsos – and a comprehensive expertise, more knowledge and significant synergy gains. The planned transaction can be perfectly executed with a strategic vision for the year 2025, without a doubt with our best performance, our financial position in the involvement of the regime and the possibility to strengthen the sectors. Because it is the case that these things are one of the consequences for the action, this becomes worth. “

Dr. Christoph Preuß, CEO of Ipsos Deutschland: „Sowohl Ipsos as one of the art-oriented Ansatz and a Commitment for Innovation, was a strong cultural installation and a subsequent integration version. Gemeinsamkeiten in entscheidenden Aspecten, an optimal Komplementarität othersides: Damit was this overarching classic win-win situation for all interests – for the Unternehmen, the Kunden, the Mitarbeitenden and the Markt. infas and Ipsos Deutschland are perfect in Kompetenzen und Aufgabenbereichen. We can offer a number of innovative and innovative Research and Development Leistungen – all names of the names are infas with a new sister standort in Bonn and a strong team of more than 800 employees.”

CEO of infas Menno Smid See the potential transaction as a potential transaction: “If the transaction with Ipsos is successful side by side, there will be a logical solution for the infas. Both have had a relationship during their involvement in the professional, methodical rigorous approach and the preparation of recognitions, which have been carried out in the practice of practice. A company that wants to run a business is one of the most successful, which European and global players have all over the world and the combined expertise of both teams, a team that maintains the market, the market and the social economy. If you do us a favor, with both brands, you can provide an unparalleled service and insight, so that you can gain new insights about your experience. “

Voluntary öffentliche Übernahmeangebot

Die Alsterhöhe 15. VV AG (future: Ipsos DACH Holding AG), an Ipsos Group company, which has a voluntary public participation bot in the form of a Barangebot for all actions of the infas cancelled. The price for the cost of purchasing a bot is 6.80 Euro if you take action. Damit would be valued at 61.2 Million Euro infas.

The end of the processing of the security bots was carried out in the existing bot operations, while the BaFin generation became more likely. The Angebotsunterlage and all additional information about the general bot were placed on the following website of the Verfügung:

Timetable and departure times

The property rights and the Zeitplan determine part of the hereditary legal rights of use. The transaction will be concluded before the end of 2024.


This press conference serves additional information purposes. Since the press is necessary, there are no legal consequences, but art is always alive. De Freigabe, Veröffentlichung und der Verbreitung dieser Presseilung kan gesetzlichen und behördlichen Beschränkungen underliegen in de best federal states. If people in the states want to know when these press conferences will be released, light or broadcast, you can only request information and withhold it. Ipsos lehnt jede Verantwortung für eine Verletzung solcher Beschränkungen ab.

These press conferences are focused on the financing of low Ipsos financing (looking for corporate bonds with the infas Holding AG), the Operating Companies, the Business, the Strategy and the Plane des Unternehmens. You can solve the problem if you take a trip and a trip out of the risk tower. Ipsos as well as all with the HR-verbundenen unternehmen lead to express your concern, to publish updates of the here mentioned enthaltenen future-oriented statements, a negotiation of the required statements or a change of honor, conditions or keep in mind that there is a single way out, wider mirrors. Ipsos does not have any publisher for the press conference of financial information, which deals with the company or the business or the financial layer of the infas Holding AG and the group of companies.


Ipsos is one of the largest market and furniture markets in the world with around 20,000 units and stronger prices in 90 states. 1975 in Paris, gegründet, wird
Ipsos bis heute von Forscher:innen geführt.

In Germany there is Ipsos with over 500 employees and a happy audience:
Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt and Nuremberg.

The experts: experts in research and analysis of the extensive know-how of
Multi-Spezialist: inten, das tiefe Insights in Handlungen, Meinungen und Motivationen erlaubt
and thus the Verstandnis von Gesellschaft, Märkten und Menschen are vermittelt.

Ipsos has the great bandwidth of solutions in 13 service lines.
and not more than 5,000 Kunden weltweit.

Ipsos was introduced on Euronext in Paris on 1 July 1999. The Unternehmen is the part of the SBF 120 and the Mid-60 Index and the Anspruch on the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD).
ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP

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