
Rumpsteak with Pfirsich-Salsa Recipe – (ESSEN AND TRINKEN)

Rumpsteak with Pfirsich-Salsa Recipe – (ESSEN AND TRINKEN)

Pfirsiche halbiers, Steine ​​​​entfernen. Pfirsiche first in Spalten, then in fine Würfel schneiden. Chili putzen und in fine Ringe schneiden. Swing in fine Würfel schneiden. Petersilienblätter abzupfen and fein hacken. Limettenschale can be used to express the Saft.

Pfirsichwürfel, Chili, Zwiebeln, Petersilie, 1 El Olivenöl, Limettenschale and -saft in a Schüssel mischen, with Salt and Pfeffer abschmecken and 15 Minutes seehen weld.

2 El Olivenöl in a Grillpfanne erhitzen. Rumpsteaks, Thymian and Rosmarin in the Pfanne and Steaks are eaten with a stronger Hitze of both Seiten 5 Minuten scharf anbraten. Take the steaks out of the oven and bake them for 5 minutes.

Inspect the Salat, wash the clothes, and thoroughly zenzupfen. Spray and mix with 2 tablespoons of Olivenöl, Essig, Salz and Pfeffer. Cut the steak into steaks and prepare it with the fresh salsa. Serve with Salat.