
Mein Weg zur BM: Erfahrungsbericht und Tipps

Mein Weg zur BM: Erfahrungsbericht und Tipps

Experience report

Mein Jahr zur Berufsmaturität: Zwischen Ausbildung, Stress und financial recovery

The path of a Vollzeitberuf back to the school is stony. If there is an own Leib in August 2023, when I started, the maturity school will be expanded.

In Switzerland, a man can erlangen an Ausbildung or a Matura, so zum Beispiel by the Berufsmaturitätsschule.

In Switzerland, a man can erlangen an Ausbildung or a Matura, so zum Beispiel by the Berufsmaturitätsschule.

Symbolic image: Georgios Kefalas/Keystone

I think I have never had a great experience with the Freude and the Ervaren, as the end of the rotten book in my hands. If you want to continue for a few more years, you can conclude the Ausbildung zur Fachfrau Gesundheit erfolgreich. But a question remains: Who will continue? Activities together, a higher faculty absolvieren or perhaps the light of Berufsfeld? The possibilities seemed boundless.

The care is a kind of bodily as a psychologically appreciative robbery. It is a question of stress, of the stress-lack, if it is all a strong merkbar-power – and of the time pressure. Others find that people end up in burdened situations, which are a few things: Complications, reanimations or star accompaniments, there is now a small task.

There is no war possible, but it has never been a retirement in the pension fund. I have a plan for my carefree future. A Studium war would always be my soul, but I hesitated that, the Aufhmetest for the Berufsmaturitätsschule (BMS) is the best – a fan who has mastered mathematics and French could make me while my joint school time is making my head spin.

This is the Unterschiede of BM 1 and 2

The turbulence can be performed (BM 1) or after reading (BM 2) absolutely. The BM 2 can be recorded in time or full time.

Ein Stolperstein: Meine unzureichende Vorbereitung

If I do this, there is first a single Arbeitserfahrung zu sammeln. Während rund eines years work ich weiterhin als Fachfrau Gesundheit im Spital. There is a problem with an ehemalige Mitschülerin schliesslich: If an Abschlussnote von 5.0 or hoher im EFZ is occupied, would prüfungsfrei in the Berufsmaturitätsschule aufgenommen. So I think that the bilingual Berufsaturation in the Vollzeit-Profil with the Ausrichtung Gesundheit and Soziales and the Berufsbildungsschule Winterthur (BBW) is registered.

If you keep an eye on the debt, the content of the guided secondary stufe. A contraceptive is suitable for nothing. It is a stellte sich as grover Fehler heraus: I start with the beginning of a debt burden and war in the first world with the mathematical mathematics. By the binomial form, which gives our Lehrerin a clear insight, the mind is so.

Das Anton-Graff-Haus der Berufsbildungsschule Winterthur.

Das Anton-Graff-Haus der Berufsbildungsschule Winterthur.

Image: Jennifer Derrer

The preparation of the preparation must probably happen once, a fitting material to be taken into account and at the same time in the instruction to be held. The first weeks often brought my Boundaries and lies over in the verzweifeln.

Die grössten Hürden: Lernstress und finanzielle Umstellung

Zum Glück could leave me in my class. If you inhale an opaque liquid and remove the substance from the substance. Dazu trafen wir uns gar jeden Donnerstagmorgen, een unserem freien Morgen, in der Cafetaria. In Mathematics I have a very private relationship with friends, who study Mathematics in Serbia. Dies half my dabei, my notes from “genügend” to “sehr gut” to be processed.

A glimpse into a mathematics study of the Berufsmaturitätsschule.
Images: Jennifer Derrer

Der Übergang von een festangestellten Fachfrau Gesundheit zurück zur Schülerin war for everything from our green heart: Zuvor work I eight Stunden am Tag, but after feierabend hatte I ich free. In the BMS hinges it is standard to learn. I think I spent a day at the Wednesday night party, and that’s not the case.

Time management, that was written in great detail from the beginning of the school year. Our teachers and teachers spoke so much every lecture of “Grit”. The English word is not close to an oversetting. It is worth working through time or on willpower. And if the word is used, it is no longer the case that it lasts longer, so it is an art that is his motto of the years.

The beginning of the debt burden began with solving problems and it is now becoming a bit of a stunde, a further development of the work and the preparation of the work. My maturity, although the technical innovations in the Formula 1 are in favor of the Sicherheit des Sportes, I write large parts in the natural science faculties. It is an official official nobody who is looking for an alternative, if the Lektion on Zalando continues to scroll.

Statistics of the Bildungsabschlüsse 2023 – Canton Aargau

Erfolgreiche Abschlüsse der Berufsmaturität I and II 2013-2023

Another war of re-expansion of the Umgang with my Ausgaben. The war I experienced is that the BMS has no trouble, but the real war will become increasingly worse. My monatliches Gehalt sank a fourfold bet on zero Francs. In Ausgaben it is so that my mother has no power, but that is not so bad.

To save money, I spent my day in Essen and my coffee with my house. Everything through the view of the Kauf van Kaffee could save up to 50 Francs in monatlich. The big advantage of the Krankenkasse is that I no longer have financial support.

A worthwhile investment in the Zukunft

Wer the BM 2 in the Vollzeitstudium factory, which is in Vorfeld-überlegen, sees whether it is now, financial buses and little Freizeit in Kauf zu nehmen. There is its own initiative, it is self-confident and intensive with the other ingredients. But with good motivation and endurance, a man can have great perspectives.

The technical model is a good alternative, when a BMS company will not use its financial services to get an overview. In this fall, the maturity begins for two years, the full-fledged profile now hinges for a year.

My personal opinion is that it takes a year. A natural war is carried out and there is a little nervous cost. If I hate a moment, while my fragment is, it is possible to use the BMS hat. But es gab ebenso viele goode Momente. If I know that a person knows me, I know that I have appealed a few years ago and that the maturity school can be the best – and that is a few years ago one of the best ways to process the trauma.

A small book with fell Wert: Das Berufsmaturitätszeugnis.

A small book with fell Wert: Das Berufsmaturitätszeugnis.

Image: Jennifer Derrer

What is your goal? The BMS is light in nature when it comes to a college and a mains current in an Arbeitswelt, the mirror can be closed. Once I have found a Studium, the option can be abused. I can not please myself in the future with a Fachhochschule. The beroofmaturity is for me a valuable investment in my Zukunft. And if so: If you give a heart under the belt, it is unanswered to keep the soap in hand and disinfect.

Die Berufsmaturitätsausrichtungen in Kanton Aargau:

  • Technology, Architecture, Life Sciences
  • Nature, landscape and lifestyle
  • Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen – Typ Wirtschaft
  • Wirtschaft und Dienstleistungen – Type Dienstleistungen
  • Design and art
  • Health and social aspects


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