
Soroptimist Club zeichnet Stipendiatin aus

Soroptimist Club zeichnet Stipendiatin aus

Ravensburg – Der Soroptimist Club Ravensburg/Weingarten has awarded a suitable salary: Simona Aich, Master student at the Hochschule Ravensburg/Weingarten, has paid the “Frauenförderpreis Technik” with 1200 euros.

Since 2007, the Soroptimist Club Ravensburg/Weingarten has this Auszeichnung en ausgewählte Studentin der Hochschule Ravensburg/Weingarten. For the year 2024/25, the award ceremony of the Zahl of the Bewerberinnen Simona Aich (23) from Langenargen was as preisträgerin who received an einjährigen Stipendium.

A technically oriented investigation into the nature of the study will lead to the price of social, gesellschaftliche involvement in the students who all have some way of life with berücksichtigt. The preisträgerin soll Vorbildfunction in one of the frauenuntypische beroerweg and the berühmten Blick über de eigen Tellerrand has.

Simona Aich has assessed all previous reviews and the jury of the Soroptimist Club Ravensburg/Weingarten.

After my studies in Friedrichshafen as the best choice for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the dual study “International Business Administration and Information Technology” at the University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Society Ludwigshafen ab. Aware of a Duales Studium, a theoretical science of digital technology that is used directly in practice, the digital transformation organization will provide an active development and an innovative solution for the work.

If we spend a theoretical semester in Pensacola/Florida in 2022, we will have an article with a very ethical aspect in the indulgence of the artistic intelligence with public knowledge.

2023/24 has now started the Masterstudium “Digital Business” and the Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. Parallel to the fact that this is a political issue: focus on creating a living environment, more space for young people in Langenargen and the digital transformation.

If you are happy with the fact that you have committed an offense and have made a constructive contribution to positive reviews, these have probably become. I am Ehrenamt wie in Beruf.

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