
Macron has Regierung von Linksbündnis – new Gespräche

Macron has Regierung von Linksbündnis – new Gespräche

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has launched a regime of the left-wing new fronts and will close a path to a more stable regime with Erneuten. A regime, which is all in the Program and the Parties of the Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP), works in the National Assembly that is directly directed by a Missauntsvotum, in a letter from the Elysée Palace. “My responsibility is that the country is again blocked nor defeated”, so Macron. There is an institutional stability.

While parliament is fighting the left-wing alliance on the Platz, it is a fact that Macron’s Mitte-Kräften and the right-wing national rights are on Marine Le Pen. An absolute added value in the national assembly is not a lower. The government image is gestaltet or daher schwierig. Add concrete NFP to the Regierungsanspruch.

Auch Le Pen and Bardella were in the Elysée Palace. Photo: Thomas Padilla/AP/dpa

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Schon am Dienstag, Macron will work together with the Fraktions- en Parteivorsitzenden. Sein Ziel is a powerful piece and stable direction. Members in the Freitag and in the Montag have consulted with Macron with the Vertretern der Parteien and des Parlamenten.

Macron lives from the involvement in the accountability of the übernehmen. The conversation above all with the Zentrumsparteien can possibly turn off the Coalitions. The fragments are ready, a direction of us, the von a person who struggles, who does not come from his own tribe. Macron and his Mitte-Lager schwebt a large art coalition vor.

Linkspartei bleibt der Zankapfel

In his report, Macron continued: “The socialist parties, the green and the communist parties have found a good path to the future with the other political circles. It is now a fact that this is so.” Damit spricht Macron has made explicit all the parties of the left-wing alliances outside the left-wing party La France Insoumise (LFI). Sein Lager has an idea of ​​the popularity of the populist parts in the corridors that we still have.

Das Linksbündnis will be geschlossen agieren (Archivbild). Photo: Thomas Padilla/AP/dpa

The left-wing alliance has a great power, in the production of woolen work. The Nachmittag is one of the things that now for the speech with Macron his interpretation of the stehen is, in denen is a direction of the new candidacy of Lucie Castets. After Macron’s Ankündigung, a direction of the Bundnisses, the company of Allianz is at work. Green-Chefin Marine Tondelier nannte Macron’s Mitteilung a Shame. The president ignores the Wahlergebnis. LFI-Fraktionchefin Mathilde Panot dried up Macron with an Amtsenthebungsverfahren.

What is no longer in France is unclear. If the herbalist became the next Haushalt-verabschiedet, it was not even that there was a direction over life to set. During the last message that Macron has not played a new prime minister or a new prime minister for the opening of the Paralympic Games in the Mittwochabend, he is wollen. The government of the retired Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is still running in office at the time.

Macron has made his statements about the president and the president of both parliaments. Photo: Thomas Padilla/AP