
Lage in Überblick: Nato-Ukraine-Rat kommt jijsammen

Lage in Überblick: Nato-Ukraine-Rat kommt jijsammen

After the Luftangriffen Russlands has become a Ukrainian city that NATO has chosen in Help. An analysis of the American general is the Lage in der Ostukraine.

In Kiev, NATO General Jens Stoltenberg has a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine rats. While the clashes are fierce, the tension of the Bundnissprecherin Farah Dakhlallah is low in the battlefield and the heaviest military bed rest of the Russian countries. The Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerow should be called by video conference.

As a background to the Treffens, the NATO Speech can support the young years of the Russian Angriffswellen in the Ukrainian infrastructure and business. The NATO-Ukraine Rat was war during the last years of the NATO-Gipfel in Lithuania and the future of the Chiefs of State and Government. The new Gremium was created for the Austausch in Krisensituationen.

Russia has flooded Ukraine with Swiss Luftangriffen in the night. It is worth looking at Ukrainian cuisine, but it is worth meeting four people – two people by a chain hit in a hotel in Krywyj Rih and zwei weitere by Drohnenangriffe auf Saporischschja. Also in the night to Midweek there is a Luftalarm in various regions of Ukraine, especially in the East of the country and on the Moscow-annexed Schwarzmeer-Halbinsel Crimea.

Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj wrote on

Selensky can take an antidote to Russian fear. Photo: -/Ukrinform/dpa

Selensky can take an antidote to Russian fear. Photo: -/Ukrinform/dpa

Report: Fire in Russian Öldepots

At night there are explosions in the Russian area of ​​Rostow in Ollagern, which are reported by Russian and Ukrainian media. The governor of the Ukrainian border region, Wassili Golubew, reported on a telegram channel that four final messages were recorded. It is not Verletzten. The damage may not be good. The Angaben are not unreliable.

Weiter schwere Kämpfe in der Ostukraine

Russian Trops stationed their Sturmangriffe in the Donbass in the Ostukraine fortress. At Torezk the Kämpfe in the Umgebung der Siedlung Nju Jork (New York), who was the Generalstab in Kiew in his low message, could be seen. Neun Angriffe seien be abgeschlagen. Bei Pokrowsk wurden 25 Russian Angriffe registriert. If these attacks are averted, here’s what. The Angaben butts cannot be removed.

Die Lage dort sei “bei Weitem nicht eeninfach”, says Selenskyj. “Sie since 100,000, wir since 100,000,” is how it describes the powerful story. The Russian Soldiers remain silent, if not more. “When we see the war, we become soldiers, the Russian Armee.”

Trümmer weit and breit - the fear in Pokrowsk stops one. (Archivbild) Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa

Trümmer weit and breit – the fear in Pokrowsk stops one. (Archivbild) Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa

Auch bei Tschassiw Jar dauerte der blutige Schlagabtausch Russer Angreifer und Ukrainian Verteidiger an. “Früher erlebten wir täglich zwischen 10 und 20 Angriffe russischer Sturmtruppen,” said Oleh Kalaschnikow, press officer of the Dort single Ukrainian Brigade. “But it has become less, as the intensity has increased.” It is worth seeing a single journey.

The frühere Kommandeur of the American Troppen in Europe, General Ben Hodges, was the leader of the Russian Troppen from Awdijiwka nach Pokrowsk who went beyond the Ukraine. Russia completed the 50 kilometers in February and started first, the Monate später, in the next von Pokrowsk bowls. “And that’s the fast 1,000 Toten pro Tag,” says Hodges of Ukrainian agent RBK. “That is not the case since Schnellen Schläge von Marschall Schukow.” Georgi Schukow hated the Second World War, the Red Army was defeated in the battles in Moscow, Stalingrad and Berlin.

General Hodges: The best Soviet soldiers of the 80 years were Ukrainian. (Archivbild) Photo: photo alliance / Ingo Wagner/dpa

General Hodges: The best Soviet soldiers of the 80 years were Ukrainian. (Archivbild) Photo: photo alliance / Ingo Wagner/dpa

The Russian Generalstab is certainly planning to launch an offensive in Richtung Pokrowsk and Torezk. “Sie konnten das tun, was ihre Großväter for 80 years, namely some Durchbrüche in other Parts of the Front zassen and darauf warten, später zuzuschlagen,” said Hodges. “Aber I am not happy, because they are competent or have a strong environment, and the best Soviet soldiers were natural Ukrainians.”

Medwedew: Müssen neue Gebiete Russlands schützen

The ex-president of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, joined the Russian army by his eroberten and the swearing in of the Moscow region of the Ukrainian army. “We have all the possibilities to achieve this soul”, says the Vice-President of the National Security Council. With the “new region of the Russian Federation” are the regions of Kherson, Saporischshja, Donetsk and Luhansk. Russia has allowed these four regions to withdraw and attract the Halbinsel-Crimea as state territory.

Most of the leaders of the Special Operation, in Moscow and the Angriffskrieg, have officially named the Ukraine, they are right. “And now there is something else, which also has real consequences for the place”, Medwedew concretely stated at a Party organization in Moscow. “With a new subject of the Federation, this is a country that is a country.” These regions must be considered. Unclear war, despite the fact that we have carried out more attacks, a possible puffer sun will take over one of the additional articles.

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