
NS-Denkmal in der Rosenstraße beschmiert

NS-Denkmal in der Rosenstraße beschmiert

The Berliner Denkmal, the Rosenstraßen protest in the Frühjahr 1943, has become beschmiert. After the Hinweisen van Passanten, the Mittwochnachmittag is the Berliner Polizei for Ort, one of the Staatsschutz-ermittelt areas.

Noa Sapir organized Stadtführungen and läuft with my groups regularly on the Rosenstraße. If you are aware of the thought process, this is not the case. On Wednesday night, the great Scripture inspiration is discovered: »Jews commit genocide« – »Jews commit genocide« is written on the rotting sculpture. In the Boden area, the story of a Palestinian flag and »Free Palestine« begins.

»I am happy, because the reviews are relatively fresh, we have found our own opinions,« said Sapir am Mittwoch der Jüdischen Allgemeinen.

1943 demonstrated Frauen für ihre jüdischen Männer

The sculpture in Rosenstraße is the woman who was decapitated in 1943 for his brutal Jewish demonstrations. In the recently demolished buildings near Alexanderplatz, the SS and Gestapo had gathered together the lost Berlin Jews who were eating in the Nazi-labeled “mixtures”. There are no Jewish women and more protests in February 1943 for more days for the roast.

In the data, more than 6000 Jews, who were treated during the same period in Berliner Sammellagern, were entangled by the majority of Jews in the Rosenstraße festivities of the Deportation and Deportation in the Vernichtungslager. Most men participate in welding and are therefore required to do so.

Das Gebäude in der Rosenstraße 2-4 finally housed the Behörde für Wohlfahrtswesen and Jugendfürsorge der Jüdischen Gemeinde. Daneben before I started the old synagogue of Berlin, died in 1942 and in the Zweiten Weltkrieg full war. i am a mommy