
A SWF legend: Hörig saves himself a Kopf and Kragen

A SWF legend: Hörig saves himself a Kopf and Kragen

If you are still using a fernsehen as a beater, you have a fulling ab. Zeitweise moderiert was sent on Saturday 14 o’clock: “Pack die Zahnbürste ein”, “Elmis witzige Oldie-Show”, “Geh aufs Ganze” and “Bube, Dame, Hörig”. As assistants were Barbara Schöneberger from the class, Jörg Pilawa and Johannes B. Kerner. Whatever the case, it’s the Arroganz. Spricht nur, mit wem there will, said stets, was there thinks. The Fusion of the South West Funk and the South German Rund Funk are “Blödsinn”, the Verantwortlichen bezeichnet are like “Sesselfurzer”. The end of history came in 1998 in the autumn of 1998 to a new Southwest rundfunk on Sendung. But Elmar Hörig hat his powerful opponent. There is talk of a fall and a return to the Kopf and Kragen.

When calling up the Saturday 1 quiz show, men between 40 and 50 years old see the best lies, while they have nice Kohle and “noch Leben in der Hose”. In the public comment, there is a message: “Say, say!” and the Moderator comments: “Come on, your little Ische, I’ll be happy with you.” The Vorfall landet am nächsten Tag bei der Boulevardpresse, wed die 17-year-old Schülerin von “massiver sexueller Belästigung” spricht. Kurz reported to the “Bild”-Zeitung that the “Schmuddel-Hörig” took place on Saturday the 1st day.

If the victims last longer than a million, their publication is not particularly tragic. Im Fernsehen works with a spaßmacher in Zwangsjacke. The medium is the radio, where a creative chaos can be created. Zum 123. Geburtstag von Konrad Adenauer on January 5, 1999 played for fun of a Hitler speech and said: „Ups, das war ja gar nicht Adenauer.“ For 20 years Elmis Humor has moved away from political correctness. Do it with the Rundfunkfusion if the game works regularly. By SWR-3-Wave chief Gerold Hug has striven the anarchists of the service plan, but there are no “right-right standards” inherited.

There is a jump in the next Fettnäpfchen

His ascent begins with a toboggan run. 1980 was launched with the rightmost Popsender SWF 3, a behauptet, which was used for Capital Radio equipment. Program director Peter Stockinger has submitted an unanswered question about a probe moderation. Make sure the Mikro comes out and goes off. After a few minutes the light becomes brighter. “Also good, you dare to moderate the music box”, said Stockinger, a professional with good music. “That’s my lucky day”, thinks Hörig and drives from the radio station to his old internatsschule, to continue his promotion offensive with great strength. The following years follow a double game as a high school and radio moderator.

1985 schmeißt is de Pädagogenjob für eine eigene Sendung, die “Elmi Radio Show”. Choose SWF-3 Trendsetter. The High-tech studio of the British Vorbilds Kenny Everett has become one of its own. Akribisch bereitet is jede “Elmi Radio Show”, the music title after Lust and Laune sister ammen, gestaltet Jingles, thinks that an aberwitzige Horoskope aus or erschließt with the Juxweltraumserie “Käpt’n Kipp Dotter”, in there are all figures that speak themselves , unanswered Rundfunkgalaxie. Elmar Hörig is a real team player, he has everything in hand. There is no longer any mention of “Radiogott”.

Anyway, it’s a Kopf and Kragen

If you don’t even use the whipped cream when you make a whisk, you have a full ab. Zeitweise moderiert was sent on Saturday 1 four hours: „Pack die Zahnbürste ein“, „Elmis witzige Oldie-Show“, „Geh aufs Ganze“ and „Bube, Dame, Hörig“. As assistants were Barbara Schöneberger from the class, Jörg Pilawa and Johannes B. Kerner. Be that as it may, it is the Arroganz. Only speak as we will, said always, what we think. The Fusion of the Südwestfunk and the South German Rundfunk are „Blödsinn“, the Veronwortlichen bezeichnet are as „Sesselfurzer“. The end of history came in 1998 in the autumn of 1998 to a new Southwest rundfunk on Sendung. But Elmar Hörig hat his powerful opponent. There is talk of a fall and a return to the Kopf and Kragen.

When calling up the Saturday 1 quiz show, men between 40 and 50 years old see the best lies, while they have nice Kohle and “noch Leben in der Hose”. In the Publikum ruft ein Mädchen: „Say, say!“ and the moderator comments: „Comm runter, your little Ische, ich zeig’s dir.“ The Vorfall landet am nächsten Tag bei der Boulevardpresse, wo die 17-year-old Schülerin von „massiver sexueller Belästigung” spricht. Kurz reported to the “Bild”-Zeitung that the “Schmuddel-Hörig” took place on Saturday the 1st day.

If the victims last longer than a million, their publication is not particularly tragic. Im Fernsehen works with a spaßmacher in Zwangsjacke. The medium is the radio, where a creative chaos can be created. Zum 123. Geburtstag von Konrad Adenauer on January 5, 1999 played for fun of a Hitler speech and said: „Ups, das war ja gar nicht Adenauer.“ For 20 years Elmis Humor has moved away from political correctness. Do it with the Rundfunkfusion if the game works regularly. By SWR-3-Wave chief Gerold Hug has striven the anarchists of the service plan, but there are no “right-right standards” inherited.

There is a jump in the next Fettnäpfchen

The Hörer is an employer and continues in the Tausenden of Protestbriefen in Elmi zurück. Hug and let the faith Scherzbold wieder and Mikro be, all about the Bewährung und nur unter der Bedingung, dat is no Witze meer über Hitler, Frauen, de Kirche of Minderheiten reis. And who responds Elmar Hörig, mittlerweile fast 50 Year alto and nor ever an infantiler Trotzkopf? Jumps with Karacho into the next Fettnäpfchen. Power as one of the fun rides of the Bahn, will gay couple verbilligte Fahrkarten erhalten sollen. “Warm week on the Federal Railroad,” Elmi calls out, “thann braucht man die Züge nicht meer zu heizen.” Unterste Schublade der Schwulenwitze, says Gerold Hug. The sender’s supervisor sent the fax and called in the first Star Moderator.

“If the time could change, I would tell myself differently”

Four years ago, Elmar Hörig had a Mango Shake in the Baden-Baden wellness bar Juice Me and then said: “I was already having an Arschloch.” Der Hochmut is een mittlerweile een verhaltenen Demut gewingen. If others take the blame, as the Fehler inzwischisch for everything, it is self. “If the time could change, I would tell myself differently.”

Manchmal lies Elmar Hörig night watch and grübelt darüber nach, “dass ich mein Potenzial nicht ausschöpfen konnte”. Find it then Schlaf, träumt is wie in een Endlosschleife of seiner Radioshow: „I will have a Platte auflegen, aber ich finde keine. Also muss ich reason, reason, reason.”

SWF 3 war his great love

If the SWR is no longer woolly, the war will no longer last for the private radio industry. If you make a strong profit and get the money out of the closet, it is no longer so. A small music title will be played, which is played in a computer program. “Heutzutage gibt es nur noch formatiertes Hosenscheißerradio”, it says.

Before a few years have access to the Internet, it is so far. “Arschgeigen TV” is a satire series that is shown via YouTube. The long term is one of the three minutes followed, while Lohn has made a few clicks and a few comments. Nun postet is nur noch auf Facebook “irgendeinen Scheiß”.

Der Diego Maradona des Popradios

Well seen, positive thinking. There is a great amount of years at SWF 3, the beautiful inner discharges can be carried out by no one else. He is still top fit at 63. There is a lie of a woman, a Porsche, a self-identity and a cat, who ends up in his dire situation, when he returns. But for great luck he fehlt eine Aufgabe. “Ich ben ein bisschen leer”, said er.

After your holiday you will be happy for a year in your holiday home in Lanzarote. There is much to look forward to. Man hatte seine große Liebe taken. Hörigs Herz hung a single radio transmitter. SWF 3 war in Spielfeld, eh, from Diego Maradona des Popradios, verzauberte met Wortdribblings de Fans. Mancher Scherz went daneben, aber kein Radiomoderator dieser Republik landete more Volltreffer. It was Elmar who indulged her, but it has never been so long since the show was over. Seine Karriere has earned a Happy Ending.

What’s going on?

On Facebook Elmar sees a while a year ago an Abermillionen, the Botschaften on tribal level verbreiten. The policy of the establishments is generally unacceptable. I am the worst since the Greens, who want to forbid us everything. Muslims stand with messern zu. And so on. Prepared in December 2016 the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” writes: The once celebrated radio star is only a hate, the unbelievable mood against refugees. Facebook has an overview of the results for your 30 days, we are a guidelines-versoßen-hoed. Schließlich löscht das Unternehmen Hörigs Prominenten-Seite with ihren rund 70 000 Followern dauerhaft.
They have entered the social media platform without having a private profile. There have appeared photos of children, photos of a cat, a holiday in Lanzarote – and another text, which is read in a right-wing extremist way. The fact that there are a few comments from men and women is that their political postcards are shared.
What would it be like if one of the biggest problems for your credit and originality value were to become a null-fünfzehn-Wutblogger? Kürzlich hat er een “Spiegel”-Editor herezu clarärt: “Wenn du mir saagst, I soll nicht Hitler parody, mache ich dir the Goebbels obendrauf. I will provozier. I have Sachen raus, egal ob si jemand gut findet.“ Elmar Hörig, mittlerweile for 75 years, bought a brand name 15 years ago. “If you are afraid, you cannot find more information,” he said. “Vielleicht is an art self-therapy.” Fraglich, bei dabei with oneself ins Reine kommt.