
Festival: Gewinne Dein Wochenendticket for the Luxembourg Open Air!

Festival: Gewinne Dein Wochenendticket for the Luxembourg Open Air!

September 13th and 14th

Das Luxembourg Open Air (LOA) takes place in the last years of the great Festival of Electronic Music and Tanz in Luxembourg. The youngest legacy of LOA Esch 2024 is worth 15,000 visitors, with a new purchase date and a view of the Teilnehmerzahl um 25 reviews of LOA Esch 2023 n 14. September 2024 on the Place de l’Europe on the Kirchberg statt.

In those years LOA becomes a composite line-up with 12 international DJs, who broadcast local local artists, a varied show with electronic music. Mach met and winne met etwas Glück zwei Wochenendtickets!