
MDAX-Trade works: MDAX works nachmittags Verluste | 02.09.24

MDAX-Trade works: MDAX works nachmittags Verluste | 02.09.24

Am ersten Tag der Woche agieren die Anleger in Frankfurt vorsichtiger.

I am aware of the MDAX at 15:42 via XETRA 0.19 percent increase at 25,654.66 points. One of the stocks included in the MDAX is worth 253.583 billion euros. At the beginning of trading there is a loss of 0.018 percent on 25,698.82 points on the exchange table, after 25,703.44 points on the morning.

The MDAX is displayed at 25 414.34 and is a Tagestive. Das Tageshoch betrug am Montag 25 711.78 Einheiten.

So go to the MDAX if it started a year ago

The MDAX operates for one month, on 02.08.2024, with 24,464.06 points valued. Before the month goes through the XETRA trading week agreement. The MDAX position is before the Trading Day, 31.05.2024, at 26,716.80 points. For one year of use of the XETRA trading week agreement. On the previous Trading Day, 01.09.2023, the MDAX was trading with 27,812.93 points.

The index has had a value of 4.41 Prozent zurück since 2024. Im Jahreshoch erreichte der MDAX bislang 27 641.56 Punkte. At 23 476.10 Zählern wurde hinggen das Jahrestief erreicht.

There are tops and flops in MDAX

Zu den Top-Aktien im MDAX has a thyssenkrupp promotion (+ 3.54 Prozent on 3.31 EUR), Scout24 (+ 2.39 Prozent on 70.75 EUR), Aroundtown SA (+ 2.35 Prozent on 2, 35 EUR), LEG Immobilien (+ 2.04 Prozent at 88.84 EUR) and Delivery Hero (+ 1.93 Prozent at 29.04 EUR). The Flop title on MDAX comes from HENSOLDT (-5.02 Prozent at EUR 32.18), Redcare Pharmacy (ex Shop Apotheke) (-3.34 Prozent at EUR 121.60), Carl Zeiss Meditec (-2, 79 Prozent from 64.50 EUR), AIXTRON SE (-2.28 Prozent from 16.96 EUR) and Befesa (-1.99 Prozent from 26.62 EUR).

The main trading in MDAX

The thyssenkrupp action is the highest trading volume in MDAX on. These transactions are transacted via XETRA 2 497 792. The Talanx Action has 20,103 billion in MDAX. Euro derzeit die major marktkapalisierung aus.

Basic data from MDAX-Mitglieder

Under the MDAX-aktien verzeichnet 2024, FactSet-Schätzung became the TRATON-Aktie with 5.59 das niedrigste Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV). In this respect, the dividend is the RTL-Aktie 2024 with FactSet-Schätzung with 16.31 Prozent an der Spitze in the Index erwarten.

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