
Elisa Senß from Ahlhorn exudes “Tor des Monats” and shines at Eintracht Frankfurt

Elisa Senß from Ahlhorn exudes “Tor des Monats” and shines at Eintracht Frankfurt

Elisa Senß from Ahlhorn played the “Tor des Monats” during the Olympic Games. Auch für Eintracht Frankfurt takes place in the Bundesliga game. Nun wartet das Champions-League-Qualifikationsturnier.

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Oldenburg/Ahlhorn – As a defensive midfield player, Elisa Senß in her bisherigen Karriere is not as strict as Torschützin in Erscheinung. The football war that originated in Ahlhorn (Oldenburg District) lasted both years in the Bundesliga for Bayer Leverkusen. At that time in the League it is a Tor.

Hit at Olympia

Now that the 26-year offenbar Gefallen am Torreschießen has been founded – there is no immediate result. During the Olympic Games, the national game in the Vorrundenspiel in Sambia is marked in 4:1. Dieses Tor zum Endstand war ihr erster Länderspieltreffer. If you want to do any of the following, you can play Eckball volleyball and spend a spectacular performance in Toren. Beim “Tor des Monats” der ARD wurde ihr erolgreicher Versuch zum Sieger des Monats July kürt, handsome 30 Prozent der Stimmen entfilelen auf diesen Treffer. Damit lies behind the other Spaniards Jungstar Lamine Yamal hinted in the EM semi-final against France, the ball in the left upper Toreck hatte. When the Niederländer Xavi Simons was hit by the Ferne in the EM-Halbfinal against England, the Tor niece became a Sens vorbei.

Ratlos nach dem Werder-Debakel: (from left) Ex-Trainer Fuat Kilic, Team Manager Cumhur Demir, Torwarttrainer Kay Hödtke, Athleticstrainer Philip Richter and Co-Trainer Frank Löning

Ratlos nach dem Werder-Debakel: (from left) Ex-Trainer Fuat Kilic, Team Manager Cumhur Demir, Torwarttrainer Kay Hödtke, Athleticstrainer Philip Richter and Co-Trainer Frank Löning

On Saturday, the first Bundesliga matchday is for the new Club Eintracht Frankfurt, who are in the summer war on the Platz. Anyway: in the 81st minute of the game of Carl Zeiss you go to the midfield actor on round 20 meters and make a profit through a mistake of the gegnerische Torhüterin, who goes the ball to the 2:0 final score for Frankfurt.

“I have been struck – that’s what I-Tüpfelchen heute. I am very happy“, said that on the Erfolg gegenüber they are the proprietary TV of the Eintracht. Before the party uses the medal for the sieg, the “Tor des Monats” is reached.

Now against Lisbon

In this week, Senss die Möglichkeit, in a new way, we will meet. The Frankfurters play en Diesem Mittwoch on Island in a Champions League qualifier against Sporting Lisbon. The best match is the Samstag – ebenfalls auf Island – a follow-up duel to the Turniersieg. Sollte dieser was abolished, a further run followed at the end of September, the story and the group stage were abolished.

Hauke ​​​​Richters