
First stranded: 1000 Euro: for wishing to receive the new Studienstarthilfe

First stranded: 1000 Euro: for wishing to receive the new Studienstarthilfe

Frists stranded
1000 Euro: for the new Studienstarthilfe gibt

If a Studium has started and one of the first times the House of Representatives comes, a grocery store can cause a malicious Zuschuss. It is wise to go before and behind. An overblick.

New Laptop, Cash, Costs: A study can be carried out in money for the first semester. You can not vote from your own voice. Here the new study start can help. The investment of 1000 euros for study and study financing, which after 25 years already takes a while and for study begins, begins to intertwine or in the social family to study, and begins in the academic laufbaan. Was First semester dazu wissen müssen:

1. Preparatory actions

The study start hilfe is a best Voraussetzungen knüpft. Antragstellerinnen und Antragsteller müssen laut Deutschem Studierendenwerk:

  • under 25 years old
  • First a college in a full-time study immatricular signal
  • an immatrikulationbescheinigung vorlegen
  • well-being, that is the basis for studying, social security, living expenses (being self-employed or having a home), children’s income (being self-employed or having an illness), citizen money, social security or living expenses after the Asylum-bewerberleistungsgesetz bekommen haben

There are no children who have made more of an effort to get started, compared to young people who lead an unfocused life in one of the children’s and youth activities.

2. Attachment

The Antrag für de Studiestarthilfe can start studying on September 2 on the digital website “”. The financing of the financing can be malicious, because Bafög could create a problem by carrying out the German study activities on the Bafög network.

For the Online-Antrags-braucht es

  • a BundID
  • the Immatrikulationbescheinigung der Hochschule
  • a planning, when it comes to society in the form of a study, starts very well

3. Frists

A contribution to the start of studies can be the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) now at the end of the months, which is set at the month of the Ausbildungsbeginn. We go in the winter semester to 1. October in a Studium begins, can go to Antrag on 30 November.

4. Refund

The study start-up program is a study and a much bigger problem than ever before.