
Holy Hydra is present in Linz

Holy Hydra is present in Linz

LINZ. On 6 and 7 September the Linzer Kulturverein Hydra will take part in the cooperation with the Jugendkirche Grüner Anker die Pfarrkirche Urfahr-St. Josef (formally Stadtpfarrkirche Urfahr) performs in a Swiss festival location.

Featuring one of the most exciting installations are performances, live acts, DJs and visuals by 4youreye ProjectionArt in the Kirche zum Club.

Freitag is one of the most successful Auswahl acts: RVLD Crew, Mary Pommer Trio, Feel Fighters, Spitting Ibex, Julia Just and Comfortable Sorgen for a Mitreißenden Auftakt.

Saturday goes to the broadcast of Anton-Bruckner-Jahres 2024. I am the anniversary celebration of the Veranstaltungsreihe Bruckner’s Beats E:K:V and Lee Young in Production auf. Weiter is it with international art with Golden Diskó Ship, Asoma and Fump Facil.

First time the Hydra DJ Kollektiv and both Abenden played the Closing Set.

It may be that you can use the Linzer Kulturverein Hydra the connection of club culture and sacred spaces. If you pause once, you will find the format of the first time a Freitag and Samstag-statt. The tradition of Gottesdienst am Sonntag weighs ausnahmsweise in the Pfarrsaal aus.