
Suche nach der Ursache für Hoteleinsturz in Kröv

Suche nach der Ursache für Hoteleinsturz in Kröv

Kröv/Rheinau. A month after the hotel stay in Moselort with two Toten and the sea, the Unglücksursache is more unclear. A von der Staatsanwaltschaft Trier beauftragter Sachverständiger soll de Grund herausfinden. After the Schätzungen had started on the hotel ruins, nor until the end of September, said the Leading Oberstaatsanwalt Peter Fritzen in Trier.

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The Gutachten des Sachverständigen were “in the background of the complexität des Schadensereignisses” and are no longer ago. If you like it, you can no longer be absent, like Fritzen. You will never have to worry about having to clear your debts, but also be aware of your “required debts”.

Feuerwehrleute at the Rettungsarbeiten

Feuerwehrleute at the Rettungsarbeiten

Finishing work still ongoing

In the hotel war I am 6. Augustus spätabends een komplettes Stockwerk in zijn nicht ammengebrochen. Two people starb: a 64-year-old woman and another 59-year-old hotel worker. Even more people were affected by stumbling in the Trümmern. During the 24-fold rettungsaktion, 250 Einsatzkräfte dabei were carried out.

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Under the guidance of the Sachverständigen you will go to the Abrissarbeiten. Die Vernehmung von Zeugen is still not abgeschlossen, like Fritzen. Im Rahmen der Ermittlungen würden auch all Hotelgäste and the Hotelbetreiberin heard.

Erika Sorm sits with her Hündin Queeni, after the hotel exit in Kröv an der Mosel, back home in Rheinau (Baden-Württemberg). You will be happy with the Unverletzt and will be bald when you make the Mosel trip.

Erika Sorm sits with her Hündin Queeni, after the hotel exit in Kröv an der Mosel, back home in Rheinau (Baden-Württemberg). You will be happy with the Unverletzt and will be bald when you make the Mosel trip.

Hotel guests are nearby

One of the excluded hotel guests is Erika Sorm aus Rheinau in Baden-Württemberg. If you experience a shock in the Trümmern, before you get an uninsured wurde. “Mir geht es nach wie vor wirklich sehr, sehr gut,” said the 71-year-old heute. When my queen is queen, the war will no longer change. “She has been humming bisschen, but that’s all gone.”

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Checked in for a short-term holiday at the hotel in Kröv in the Unlucky Day. If you are the hotel owner, take a look at the following question: “Take your next place with. They were umquartiert”, Sorm says. If they have the Hund, they are both busy and are in the Flur. “In dem Moment ist es zusammengebrochen.”
