close zweistellig im Minus: trotz Umsatzanstieg weiter tive in de roten Zahlen | 05.09.24 zweistellig im Minus: trotz Umsatzanstieg weiter tive in de roten Zahlen | 05.09.24

• verzeichnet schwächere Subscription-Einnahmen as erwartet
• Umsatzwachstum can’t leave a million-dollar-desire behind
• Actions to respond in the meantime – is lost

You will be able to enjoy your time at the market, because of the excellent KI-Gewinner-Aktien so that you can enjoy the outdoors and because of the extremely high Anlegererwartungen of the Unternehmen mittlerweile at all, nor are they possible. So the NVIDIA-Papiere trotz eigentliche stärker als erwartet ausgefallener Q2-Ergebnisse im Nachgang and the Zahlenvorlage erheblich an Wert lost. The young Quartalszahlen von, diem Mittwoch nach US-Börsenschluss beöffentlicht sind, shinen Water op de Mühlen der Sceptiker zu sein.

Enttäuschung: verfehlt Erwartungen bij Abonnement-Einnahmen

The software installed in Redwood City should give a setback to part of the management years 2024/2025. The depreciation amounts to 73.5 million US dollars and show the German analyst a value of 79.2 million US dollars, with a FactSet message. For a part of life, which comes about in one way or another, dies a serious reausforderung.

The whole thing is solid

Trotz des Rückstands bei de Abonnement-Einnahmen konnte beim Gesamtumsatz a solids Wachstum von 21 Prozent verzeichnen. The US dollar has gained a value of US$87,213 million and the withdrawal of US$72,590 million. In the Vergleich zum Vorquartal, in the Umsatzwachstum nor on 20 Prozent lay, said that it is a slightly scaffolded Wachstumsdynamik. is not active in the rotten Zahlen

You can think of your own ideas on your negative operation of minus 72.586 million dollars. Black compared to the previous year (minus 82.307 million US dollars) the surplus has become lighter. Taxable for the coming views of is that the operating margin erneut a retarded tendency-aufwies is. The net surplus was in the period of 62.827 million US dollars (previously: minus 64.358 million US dollars) – the end of the field of enjoyment would be speziell while the net energy was growing, was a small small profit margin.

Hopefulness due to positive cash flow

A positive signal comes from the Cash Flow numbers. Free cash flow remained stuck at 7,118 million US dollars, a German jump in the prospect of a loss of minus 8,902 million US dollars. The operating cash flow can yield a value of 8,042 million US dollars. There are only 133,820 million US dollars and liquid assets left on the list: Zum quarterlijkende verügte, but 133,820 million US dollars and liquid assets, to 167,146 million in the forequarter. Despite these mixed results, the company remains in the low, to fulfill its own forecasts – a small, but important confirmation in a rapidly changing market environment.

This is how fast the activity is

The action of the US entrepreneurs believes that the most likely goal is to improve the weak subscription acceptance. If you buy the share in the NYSE trade, it costs 16.64 dollars for 19.18 US dollars. In June, the Talfahrt der Aktie was established as a fortress. The record level of more than 160 US dollars, the paper will be launched on the market in December 2020, but it is still getting more interesting. Also the 2024 stock performance is miserable: since January has been dying for years, he has lost interest in etwa a foursome. The expansion of the AI ​​Exhibition heard is a way to expand the AI ​​activities in a unique way.

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