
Complete strategy for a successful business

Complete strategy for a successful business

Ambitious Ziele. AstraZeneca is one of the largest pipelines of Wachstums and is investing in Austria – and also in the clinical study.

With a collapsed pipeline, an extensive portfolio, a research and a clear analysis of the sustained investment in AstraZeneca, a prosperous biopharmaceutical company, enormously in the development of health care. As a basic research base, the core competence of the subdivisions lies in the treatment with a focus on the treatment of therapies in connection with oncology, heart-circulation diseases, kidney and tissue metabolism, respiratory diseases and immunology. A complex pipeline of 189 different development projects verdeutlicht that this strong Ausrichtung.

In Austria, AstraZeneca is doing research and investing in the Life Sciences standard. It is time for a study on the implementation of clinical studies, where the schaffung has a high qualification level, after the involvement in the nachaltigkeit and regional cooperation.

Research and development

AstraZeneca plays a central role in the research and development of innovative medicines. In particular in the area of ​​oncology lies in the establishment in Spitzenfeld. In the areas of lung, egg stock and chest cancer, AstraZeneca is in the top 3 of leading universities in Austria, which are undergoing clinical studies. There is no longer a burden on the care for the health care system, but a sign for the continuous effort after a treatment and efficient treatment of patients.

Research operations

A central construction of the AstraZeneca Succession in Austria is a scary joint effort with research institutions. “While our cooperation is imaginable, this is not the case in research, but in clinical clinical studies. Erklärt Botond Ponner, medical director of AstraZeneca Austria, is a waspentlicher beitrag, a medical fortress that can be directly with the patient as quickly as possible: I come to the welding.

With 37 institutions, where hospitals, universities and study centers, together with their colleagues, a Wissensaustausch has started working and the best way to interact with each other. The research is carried out by the Karl Landsteiner Institute for Lung Research and Pneumological Oncology at the Floridsdorf Clinic, which is part of the Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group (ABCSG). These partnerships are very effective, but most therapeutic treatments are possible – who is working at the lung or breast cancer?

Health management

If you are taking medication, turn to AstraZeneca for the optimization of the versorung and the patient: patient path in health care. So it is the first time that the pharmaceutical industry is a partner of the Future Health Lab (FHL), which is one of the best prices in September. I am here the representative of the general health care and the joint knowledge of the health care systems with partners with a Ministry of Health, Social Insurance and Scientific Institutes.

Met een klinische behandeling kan de patiënt in Österreich de patiënt in Österreich brengen. <strong>Botond Ponner, Medical Director AstraZeneca Österreich</strong>” width=”1000″ height=”600″/>                  <photo-lightbox src=

With clinical treatment, the patient in Austria can bring the patient to Austria. Botond Ponner, Medical Director AstraZeneca ÖsterreichAstraZeneca/Martin Hörmandinger

These commercial activities of AstraZeneca are a partner seeking an efficient solution for the redevelopment of the best general systems they have found.

Ambitious Soul

AstraZeneca has painted an extensive portfolio, which has four of the most valuable insanities behind it. This ermöglicht is one of the most common problems for a Vielzahl-schwerwiegender Erkrankungen-anzubieten.

„We will have a good life for tomorrow: By 2030, we will be aware of 20 new medications on the market, the potential health, that the lives of millions of patients will change. “Auch wollen weir die Art and Weise, who’s health in Österreich and well-being will continue to change,” says Filippo Fontana, Country President of AstraZeneca Österreich.

Leading position in Research

This soul is carried out in Austria by 54 clinical studies, which are initiated and supervised by AstraZeneca. It focuses on the healthy role, medicine in clinical treatment is a fact. Every year since 2024, 13 new studies have been started – a record, of the AstraZeneca with a number in the clinical study in the Austrian power. It is one of the best insights for patients, because: “When research is done, people benefit from the fastest medical progress.

So thanks to an intensive treatment of more than 400 patients in Austria, we are committed to innovative treatment and therapy,” explains Ponner. Zusätzlich gewinnen Ärzt:innen und Klinieken door Klinische Studien umfangreiches Wissen und Erfahrung in innovative new Behandlungsansätzen. The intention is that the Wissensaus treats more modern healthcare on the knitter Ebene zum Wohl der Patient:innen. Die Arbeit in Österreich said that the Klinische Forschung nicht nur Patient: There are patients who have a erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Mehrwert generiert. Tatsächlich yields 1.95 euros for the Austrian Volkswirtschaft zurück for every euro invested in clinical studies. These investments are no longer a matter of general health care, but resemble the economic foundation of the countries.

Accuracy in focus

AstraZeneca has not yet entered the innovative therapies and has developed a new standard in the field of new healthcare. Sustainability is more than just a slogan for the work of the company – it is firmly integrated into all business processes. “Our responsibility can be the development and production of medicines. If one of the things we do is to make a planet and a healthy person, it is a great experience to change and generate a better mass in the climate walk,” Fontana explains. One of the largest efforts is the initiative ‘Ambition Zero Carbon’, with the AstraZeneca das Ziel development, a climate-neutral climate organization with net-zero emissions. If the world evaporates, emissions worldwide will be reduced by 98 percent in Fuhrpark by 2026 and global emissions will be halved by 2030.

In 2030 zullen de gedachten 20 nieuwe medicijnen op de markt brengen, die de potentie hebben om van de patiënt te genieten: in de zorg. <strong>Filippo Fontana, President of AstraZeneca Österreich</strong>” width=”1000″ height=”600″/>                  <photo-lightbox src=

By 2030, thoughts will bring 20 new medicines to market that have the potential to benefit patients: in healthcare. Filippo Fontana, President of AstraZeneca ÖsterreichAstraZeneca/Martin Hörmandinger

In Austria, AstraZeneca sets grim accents in the area of ​​sustainability. If you invest in one of the most sustainable companies in the energy sector with solar energy and energy energy, make sure that the energy supply on 100 percent of electric cars in the companies has ended up as one of the largest energy companies over the years, while this is uninteresting. Also a German reduction of air travel – etc. to international congresses – through a strict CO2-Limit and own security projects, which abdecken a fläche of 8.5 Fußballfeldern, say the Engagement of the Unternehmens for the Environmental Protection.

For a healthy future

AstraZeneca Austria said that through a combination of Research, Partnerships and Sustainability, a company is no longer the health of mankind, one of the planets that can be used. With a clear vision for the future, ambitious vision and a strong commitment to the environment and society, AstraZeneca sets new benchmarks in health care.

“There is no question that it is not possible to start the treatment with medication. Once it is that far, it is a whole question of a healthy community on a healthy planet of slates”, quickly became the philosophy of the unternehmens zusterammen.

With a click on the Zukunft, AstraZeneca is no longer an innovative innovator in the pharmaceutical industry, a pioneer in integrating sustainability and social responsibility into its business practices.

In the coming years, patients treated as one of the Gesellschaften als Ganzes will wonder what to do.

The most important in figures

Research and development

  • Ambition 2030: mind 20 new therapies until 2030 Patient: take care of treatment
  • 189 cases reported Entwicklungsprojekte führt AstraZeneca in der Pipeline
  • With 54 active clinical studies, the Unternehmen in Österreich is at Platz 1
  • More than 400 patients: they are welcome to continue their journey with innovative therapies
  • New treatment options are available with 37 partner institutions


  • The Zero Carbon Ambition Initiative aims to reduce emissions in global industrial and commercial vehicles by 98 percent by 2026
  • In Austria 100 Prozent E-Autos until Ende 2024 and deutliche Reduktion von Flugreisen