
Kurz nach Corona zum Medaillensatz: Topf’s magical day

Afterwards, Streich drove into the magical days of Paris, Josia Topf in Schwärmen. “Eine wahnsinnige Reise, von der ich nicht nur Medaillen im Koffer mit nach Hause nehme”, thus the most successful German Medal collector of the Paralympic Games: “The Greatest is filled with memories.” And heavy with positive. When a corona crisis was carried out in Schwimmer’s forefeld war, it unintentionally fell into French Hauptstadt history.

“There is no clear war, in whatever form it may be,” the statement Topf nach seiner Bronzemedaille über 50 m Freistil: “That is here zu Gold, Silber und Bronze geicht hat, ist einfach unglaublich.” There is a way you can “say everything and nothing.” Deshalb had never come that far before, but it is a Freitagabend who “first achieved an impeccable shot 30 meters” and then not yet lost the Führung.

There is “neither young, my career is not long. I am happy, I have neither good power”, so der 21-Jährige. Für signals letzten Start über 200 m Freistil seien die Erwartungen gedämpft. “I’m happy, that’s my final product. The rest is said. Wegen Corona has noticed, that’s the long stretches that we’ve had,” said Topf: “From that moment on, the life and the lungs were recovered.”