
Netflix, shame on you! So don’t come up with any legal advice!

Netflix, shame on you! So don’t come up with any legal advice!

Commentary: It is relatively speaking that the production was not wusste Ingrid Santa Claus when requesting the properties of a property Again-Follow by “Love is blind: Brazil“I would like to see the man get his Show-Ehemann status Leandro Marçal fragment. Thirty years after the first time that we zurückliegen a Weile – and the trotzdem has the responsible dazu entschieden, the Szene in full pietloser Weise zu presentieren and the next step of the unanswered reaction of the moderators and the seltsamen verhaltens of the teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer online to set. There is a pleasant Zeit geblieben, one Trigger warning einzubauen en das Publikum vorzuwarnen. Statistics look at more minute-long recordings of Patricks Ausführungen über seine Haartransplantation and Renatas Selbstbeweihräucherung.

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“Love Is Blind: Brazil” -Teilnehmerin Ingrid konfrontiert Ehemann Leandro nach sexuellen Übergriffen

Before Ingrid was at the beginning, it is absolutely not possible that this is a sexual surrender. It is not a Happy Ending for life and Leandro has had his power, but it is a great relationship between both, which means a future togetherness.Love is blind“-Momente und der Hochzeit was said. After a brief search for the couples’ living situation and family, Ingrid’s attention shifts to the sexual theme: ‘If Ehemann has ausgewählt, bin ich davon ausgegaan, dass du, da du drei (…) Schwestern hast, weißt , was du nicht tun solltest …” Dannte sie, wie Leandro nach der Hochzeit im gemeinsamen Zuhause Abgewartet habe, bis si eingeschlafen seiI will soon be having sex again.

The Word Permit If you get into the episode, it’s just a little bit, it’s hard. More than enough, Ingrid Leandro is forced on, zu legs, was there with his powerful hat. This please is no longer eligible, but can be repeated better than a set in the previous century. Er wisse, dass das, was er getan habe, falsch sei, vericert er. If there is a problem, there is an erectile dysfunction “alleine zu beheben”.

Ingrid Santa Claus Rita muss Reunion-Dreh after Traumatic painting Erlebnisse abbrechen

Where Ingrid thinks about it, while the nights get more and more Klamotten, one for Leandro his shelters, the entsetten Gezichter of the most important Candidates were blended in. Ingrid finally breaks out in tears, asks for a window cleaner and more of the cleaning than completely. The Moderator Couple Camila Queiroz and Klebber Toledo It is with the situation that Leandro gets into trouble, and the power then after a small small power, which a man for the violation of his involvement is, quietly further. Teilnehmerin Renata, who his love nor for Ingrid expresses, says “Love Is Blind: Brazil” – Ehemann Alexandre a leading kiss, before he philosophizes his “niece monogamous Beziehung” with his own and his own unique status. It seems that the vast majority of people will vergnügt wieder ganz. After the program: There is a discutiert, by Ariela verrückt or Evandro unehrlich ist – and I am the best Camila, man became now “the internet-zerstören”, before Patrick his Hut-abnimmt and his erggebnis-haartransplantpräsentiert was – as he was at that time, the später in the Netz Gesprechsthema Number is a wird. If the concrete is loosened and welded, it could be a problem.

„Love is Blind: Brasilien“, Scale 4: What is your relationship with your husband?
Camila Queiroz und Klebber Toledo machen in der Reunion-Folge gute Myene zum bösen Spiel! Photo: Netflix

Netflix comes up with a sensible theme with Linie

If the episode is fruitful, an irritation by irritation can arise – and by the wut. Was zur Hölle ever an old man? Do you want to know if it is a marginal note? Netflixwho can man that all so sent? If you have an idea that it is not possible to show the art and the light, and let the others learn from a splashing time point in the hour in which the standard program takes place, is it not necessary? What is the result of a mixture of people who no longer suffer from an affected person? Schlimmer hättet ihr die Angelegenheit gar nicht “lösen” können!

Wölfe im Schafspelz is not over all, Vergewaltigung ist keine Seltenheit

Of course, Netflix does not take responsibility for the actions of its show participants, because wolves in Schafspelz are about everything and more. Swirling, intertwined and sexual excess see a heutzutage in marginal phenomena, which I have experienced in the past. If Netflix tries to take responsibility, it is a good theme – and how else can you see Linie!

Editorial Note: If you yourself notice a sexual surrender or Missbrauch, you can dial the “Hilfetelefoon for the offering of sexual Missbrauchs”. You can contact by phone at 0800-22 55 530 or by e-mail and (email protected). The Beratung is anonymous and free of charge, Anrufe could not be noticed on the telephone.