
Anniversary celebration of the MWG Art Clubs in Bayreuth RW21

Anniversary celebration of the MWG Art Clubs in Bayreuth RW21

The Art Club is one of the best with a research in the city library

The Stadtbibliothek Bayreuth celebrated an anniversary of the Art Clubs of the Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasiums (MWG) on Donnerstag, September 12, in the Galerie des RW21 (1. Obergeschoss). The Art Club has been around for years. Zur Ausstellungseröffnung at 4.30 pm Sprechen Vertreter der Stadt Bayreuth, der Schulleitung, Dr. Stefan Mayer as Kunstlehrer of the MWG who participates in the Art Clubs. The Ausstellung is on October 10.

The management of the arts can take place through the financing and the dismantling of the turmoil. The MWG Art Club is a perfect design and offers an ideal platform, an artistic equipment that can be further used and can be developed. The Werkschau in the Stadtbibliothek Bayreuth said the Weg ehemaliger Mitglieder auf.

The Art Club of the Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasiums will develop in the year 2014 a number of Schülerinnen and Schülern aller Altersstufen, the young men and zeichnen, a creative platform. Here you can enter into art-interesting collaborations, such as learning, learning and new techniques. The Club is an Ort der Inspiration, a young talent that delves into its new possibilities.

For the seventh birthday, there would now be a special exhibition organization. Several former members who are still in the Leidenschaft for the visual arts – whether as a hobby or profession – protect themselves there. If you work at your job, the activities of Club members are one of the most common problems among young female and male students. This abuse can be carried out once in the wide spectrum of the forms of printing.

The exhibition said, who is the Enthusiasm of Art a lifelong Achievement or sogar a professional runway entstehen kann. Investing and investing has started at a certain location, while the creative journey began and the whole year through began.