
St. Pauli: Neue Fliesen für den Alten Elbtunnel – was de Sanierung kompliziert Kracht

St. Pauli: Neue Fliesen für den Alten Elbtunnel – was de Sanierung kompliziert Kracht

The St. Pauli-Elb tunnel is not located on a traffic road, but on one of the most beautiful Baudenkmalen. The power that compliziers Sanierung. Zum Glück gibt es Unterstützung in another Elbestadt.

Since 30 years the Alte Elbtunnel in Hamburg-St.-Pauli has been renovated. Inzwischen is an end of the work in the sense: the two, the west, soll Mitte 2026 wieder eröffnet. The “Innenausbau” has begun and started with the Nele Tewis project at Blick in the über 420 meter long Röhre. Die Oströhre war bis April 2019 be grundsaniert. Danach combs the Weströhre and the Reihe. The installation started in 1994 with the end of the Schachtgebäuden.

Alter Elbtunnel: 84 „Tunneltiere“ fehlen noch

The deck and the western style are a great deal of the time with the bright flight course. 380,000 pieces were used, to completely shape the rounds. They come from the Mecklenburgian Fliesenwerk Boizenburg/Elbe. The small beige-colored deck flies are as it were shot in half, even the pages that are partly covered with larger, square flies.

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Etwa alle zehn Meter tut sich an de Wänden, etwas über Augenhöhe, a straight Vertiefung auf. This is the place for the 84 “Tunneltiere”. 74 of the different levels could be restored, 10 were newly renovated. If you have never done anything before, it is worth using the green Schmuckfliesen, while the cable shaft conceals the lamps. These figures represent 14 different artists of fish, mussels, Krebsen and others who were present during the construction of the tunnels between 1907 and 1911 in the Elbe.

Elbtunnel war Prestige project

The Elb Tunnel works, one of the Tausende Hafen- en Werftarbeiters on the road to the Arbeitsplätzen south of the Elbe to explore. The Fähren were damals gerade at Schichtwechsel überlastet and der Umweg über die Elbbrücken immense weit, erklärt Denkmalschützerin Marriet Boutez.

The passage under the Northern war of Anfang and more as a Verkehrsweg, has been a prestige project, says Boutez. That is why so much value has been placed on the beautiful design. There is no war going on in the first tunnel in a river. In Glasgow it goes to the end of the 19th century a tunnel under the Clyde River is ready. There was no war yet in the tunnel under the Themse in London, which was carried out in 1843 by the war.

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Since 2003, the St. Pauli Elbe Tunnel has been under monument protection. It plays a major role in the renovation. The products from the Boizenburg airfield were tested by the Ceramic Institute in Meißen. If you can’t see anything anymore, this is not the case. “We are looking for perfection in the imperfect,” said Boutez.

Flies under the Elbe – beinahe wie Porzellan

The flies had a small water content, their durability was high. “That’s the direction of porcelain,” Tewis explains. The piece is not tender hand-sized. It is not that the glass is not cut, but the glass can be damaged.

There are no flies removed. There are a few things that can be done. You may wonder if the Besucher has found a “Referenzstreifen”. If you have a problem, you can not see it. The other flies were a matter and a fine dark line, an art masking, in the glass.

Kein Problem with vandalism in the Alten Elbtunnel

Of course, the wall of the U-Bahn stations and the A7 Elbtunnels are the most suitable. Make sure you clean your homework and clean your bowels. If you let cars go through the Alten Elbtunnel more, do this when you clean the walls, Tewis explains. If the construction is carried out by the most common work in Hamburg, it is practically no problem with vandalism. “It is a crazy value assessment”, said Boutez.

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Because the tunnel went through the Hamburg tunnel in the Kaiserreich, there was a critical period. The fact that the time is a tribal and idiosyncratic freshly sanitized Bismarck-Denkmal oberhalb of St.-Pauli-Landungsbrücken is one of the most grim with graffiti-shown.

“Der Alte Elbtunnel is founded in Hamburg by Michel and Elbphilharmonie and is the most daring technical thinker in Hamburg,” said Kultursenator Carsten Brosda (SPD) fest. Many more people have run a million people and 300,000 Radfahrer.