
Hotel zur Post geschlossen: Gemeinde kündigt fristlos

Hotel zur Post geschlossen: Gemeinde kündigt fristlos

  2. Full metal
  3. Schalksmolen

Hotel zur Post geschlossen: Gemeinde kündigt fristlos
View of the Volmetal over the Fluss at the Hotel zur Post: The Gebäude hatte Jochen Bernsdorf von der Gemeinde Schalksmühle rented, this hat the Vertrag now first published. © Machatzke, Thomas

The Hotel zur Post is closed and remains in operation. If you file for bankruptcy, you can close the first term of the company.

Schalksmühle – If you are interested in the hotel during your post visit, you will find the next few days of your visit and your stay for: “Leider nicht meer geöffnet… We will see you in January in the Gloör wieder! Thank you to the team of the Hotel zur Post for your precious moments!”, can be read in the information sheet. Der Grund dafür: The community that the lease delay with Jochen Bernsdorf was only possible after he had his Insolvenz-bekanntgemacht-hatte.

Hotel zur Post geschlossen: Gemeinde kündigt Pachtvertrag fristlos

First before we made the insolvenzverfahren official eröffnet payment. “The Gestattung zur Weiterführung des Unternehmens ist auch da”, says Jochen Bernsdorf. Dennoch says that the Gemeinde insults the other way, as the next Kündigung auszusprechen. Zu den Gründen kan de Gemeinde op Anfrage bisher nicht äußern. Bürgermeister Jörg Schönenberg was not happy with his life, his wife Reinhard Voss was completely happy, that man himself was not born.

Now that in August the Schönenberg pays attention to it, as the Zusammenarbeit mit Bernsdorf has begun at the end of the years, it is worth taking a decision immediately: “If a bankruptcy sale is the best solution, the erfüllt will be müssen. If the fall has not yet begun, it may be that a problem has arisen. ” A long war lasted a long time, Jochen Bernsdorf after the conversion of the hotels with both houses parallel to the line.

Jochen Bernsdorf explained the knowledge of the lease agreement, after the reduction of the teams now that the employees and employees would be able to cope with their needs. “If my power is unendingly affected, that writing should be appreciated. But regardless of the Möglichkeit, Umsatz zu generieren, I cannot bezahlen my Mitarbeiter,” says Bernsdorf.

Team hält proud Kündigung die Treue

They are proud of their skills and that they are employees and employees who are now employed in such a way that they are better prepared for their work – even if Jochen Bernsdorf is there. If I stop the mourning, who has received a message: ‘Obwohl ich ihnen kundigt habe, haben si gesagt, sie since ab Januar in Haus Glörtal wieder mit dabei. Auch der Koch bleibt.“ The Verlust seines Teams are the great Sorge and the idiosyncratic Grund für de Umzug ins Hotel zur Post gewesen, Bernsdorf recalls. Anyone who receives a message is active in the Zufahrtsstraße to the good health care, we continue to the Betrieb in Haus Glörtal Ruht.

Full Konzentration auf das Haus Glörtal

If the Zufahrtsstraße is healthier, the Glortalsperre nach wie for wieder of the bets will be used. Die Zeichen dafür stehen gut. “The Zufahrtsstraße would be pünktlich fertig, der Wintergarten ist im Bau,” said Bernsdorf. Intensive work is being done on the weederöffnung and on the basis of the boot, which includes a Freizeitschwerpunkt-Glörtalsperre and the Krombacher Brauerei, which are the roast and the Bernsdorf-verpachtet, which offer an interesting weederöffnungsappearance. “I was able to get everything done, the house was great and easy to get rid of,” says Jochen Bernsdorf.

Trotz der herausfordernden Situation says that Bernsdorf is grateful for the time, the team under the Ortskern von Schalksmühle dared to cross: “If we know that we can be different, within the community and our citizens, thank you for having the Möglichkeit, fast for a year.” das Hotel zur Post zu wirtschaften. I’m looking forward to the recovery and darauf, das Haus Glörtal weiterzuentwickeln,” says er.

On September 21, Jochen Bernsdorf organized the Kneipen-Festival “Bock am Dorf” with the organization of Christian Breddermann, so that he could find more statistics. In front of the Hall of the Hotels at the post the man can visit a few festivals, while the following things are done, ergebe sich nun aus Gespraächen with the Gemeinde Schalksmühle.