
Lilium Promotion: Lilium is a State Citizen in Millions | 10.09.24

Lilium Promotion: Lilium is a State Citizen in Millions | 10.09.24

Bavarian flight taxi pioneer Lilium has received 100 million euros in state aid.

The Bavarian Cabinet has received a loan from the Oberpfaffenhofen in Munich, a credit with a credit of more than 50 million euros. When he saw the Bundesregierung in the Weise period, said the Bavarian State Chancellery Chief Florian Herrmann after a Sitzung des Kabinetts in Munich.

The Federal Ministry of Transport enters the Beschluss in Bayern and can bring the note of writing on the road and with the Federal Finance Ministry the Unterstützung zu prüfen. Über een Staatliche Bürgschaft müsse der Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestages entscheiden. “Wir wollen diese Schlüsseltechnologie in deutscher Hand behalten and aine Abwanderung in Ausland verhindern.”

For the promotion of air taxi manufacturers in Bavaria goes to Jahren Streit. For all Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger (Freie Wähler) it is intended that the state aid to the companies Volocopter and Lilium is gesträubt. In the Falle Volocopter war the discussion has become a negative state aid, the separation of Lilium is monatelang in the air.

While state support for Lilium has now become an “industrial policy directive of the prime ministers and the joint cabinets”, Herrmann said. Lilium is open to the public with a purchase and an American investor and a reduction in standard properties, after which a separation from government support would occur. Flugtaxis were produced in China. The Cabinet was heard by Economic Minister Hubert Aiwanger and.

When the Flugtaxis start a flight, the flight of their hundreds of kilometers can be carried out. So it is possible that a flight trip through the Flughafen is brought directly to your Soul. There is an alternative to ICE-Strecken on offer. The prototype of the Lilium-Jets has a seat and electric power. Orders are given in various federal states. The company currently employs around 1000 employees.
