
Polizei-Einsatz at Royals Weg Sohn von Mette-Marit

Polizei-Einsatz at Royals Weg Sohn von Mette-Marit

After the rolled canal a Mette-Marits Son Marius Borg Høiby comes new information and light. There is a police income at Schloss Skaugum that has happened.

How that The Norwegian magazine “Se og Hør” reported in the summer of 2023 about the organization of the Kriminalität of the Anwesen of Crown Prince Haakon, Mette-Marit and his children on, a with Marius Borg Høiby to speak. Damals is not one of the craziest things. States should have the police on the suspicion of drug trafficking.

“Se og Hør” will be remembered in documents. If you do that, there is a Verwicklung van Borg Høibys Freunden in dubious Drogengeschäfte vermuten. The politicians are asking Mette-Martits to ask for advice on the Schloss Skaugum that they will be happy with and that they will have a pleasant friendship. Borg is no longer in debt, the Beamten have gotten into trouble, but they have not been punished, but there is no warning whatsoever for woolen.

Marius Borg Høiby descends from a früheren Beziehung von Mette-Marit – with Morten Borg. The 27-year anniversary of our royal visit to Schloss Skaugum in our own house. Sisters with Kronprinz Haakon hat Mette-Marit nor in Sohn Sverre Magnus and in his daughter Ingrid Alexandra.