
Reka is the Witch’s Game, it has been spoken for so long

Reka is the Witch’s Game, it has been spoken for so long

A first-class experience with atmospheric travel to Berlin!
A first-class experience with atmospheric travel to Berlin!

A first-class experience with atmospheric travel to Berlin!

Stubborn that the Prämisse von Reka is so einleuchtend, it is quickly miraculous, which is a bit. The game is one of the most melancholic and beautiful worlds from the herbal world in the middle of the world. If I have the legendary Baba Yaga with his schülerin-ernannt, I live fortan alone in the forest – sounds like a trauma!

Also heißt es: Kräuter sammeln, the natural sciences and the different people of the environment to know. It is not that there was a complicated situation, while the schülerin zur guten Seele des Waldes ascends or Angst unter der Bevölkerung säet.

Now witches are fundamentally no serenity in indie-spiel range. Look at the title of the new Garden Witch Life, Little Witch in the Woods or Fields of Mistria, oriented on a bunten, new films with Studio Ghiblis Kiki’s smaller charity service or Little Witch Academia. It’s not that there is no war between such things as a serious interpretation of chibi figures and bright colors. Until now.

In that game you see a hex and one of the ways the house is played as a beginning
In that game you see a hex and one of the ways the house is played as a beginning

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In that game you see a hex and one of the ways the house is played as a beginning

Reka: Release, Spielzeit und meer zijnammengefasst

Here is one of the most important effects of the Reka on a Blick:

  • Early Access: Reka has started on Steam in Early Access and is neither demented nor fruitful. Upcoming updates are available with a roadmap. A final release window is not active.
  • Playing time: The more versatile story missions were completed after 3-4 missions. Danach started with the Sandbox. Here lies a euch, who fell in his bauen and erkunden wollt.
  • Singles player: You cannot use any purchase or multiplayer mode and this has never happened.
  • Cozy: Reka ist heavy setweise right, in Kern aber trotzdem cozy and entspannt.
  • Made in Germany: Reka is the Erstlings project of Studios Emberstorm from Berlin.
  • Steam Heritage: On Steam, Stand has been released (September 13) on the #1 spot by Cosy-Games and has a “very positive” user rating of 86 Percent.

Is Reka coming to Switch, PS5 or Xbox?

It is possible that there is no official version, but a Konsolenversion is installed. Controller support is and works. An offizielle Steamdeck-Unterstützung is not active. My Kollegin Samara hat with Valves Handheld is riskier if the device is now an unused FPS. Leave the Entwicklerteam here.

Reka – Early Access Screenshots

Gameplay: Was machen Hexen the geese Tag?

The start of Reka gets a relative float. My witch sees in the forest. If you get to know the existing NPCs, there are quite a few quests and tricks on the mysterious other woman, who appears as Baba Yaga. Schon kaal leer ich, Resources to find, to cook and to build. The core mechanics are standard and there are inner survival mechanisms, which can be used in Reka as hunger, hunger, ie. gift.

Schön fand ich, wie Magice was enjoyed. It is subtle and subtle in nature. Kerzen zünde ich with a Schnipsen and a Gegenstand together meine Krähen for my own. Enjoy fantastic experiences with many of the exciting Waldgeistern coming from the highlights.

The ritual, one of the people who awaken the Hühnerbein-Hütte for life, is happening under a few Tamtams. Please note that Reka has a big tent and the desired folklore style, where the graphic design, figure design and soundtrack are not performed. I like that.

How does Early Access work?

Technically correct for Early Access – Start by setting up, with the help of hardware Framerate Entry and reduce the graphical failures life must. On the Discord server a message appears that is completely hidden and that there are messages that are less good.

The undisputed dialogue is your goal German subtitles. The text is written and fits the rest of the games. If one of the two is no longer in English or on Buttons, the code-Kauderwelsch is added.

There is a bug that can’t execute a Hauptquest. Here half but that’s it New game. Reka ist im Großen en Ganzen gut playbar, stellt euch aber darauf ein, dass die Erfahrung zum Release noch roh ausfällt.

Dark, melancholic and proudly cozy

You start no Kampf or Horror. Reka is a Cozy Game with Construction and Learning, which is free in Germany for 0 years.

It wasn’t that it was melancholic and poignant, but it was quickly sad. Dazu plays out in the whole art style and in my Ohren fantastic soundtrack bee. I am concerned about great taste, fresh greenery, especially herbaceous seasonings in Gold, Brown and Grautönen.

Graphics and art style sin stimmungsvoll. The beautiful upper surfaces are not covered with high-gloss textures. Textures shine and have little detail, engraved by the beautiful light effect of the beautiful stehenden sun and dense volumetric colors with wonderfully beautiful looks.

Trotz der reduzierten Grafik cann Rekastellenweise their beautiful and atmospheric additions.
Trotz der reduzierten Grafik cann Rekastellenweise their beautiful and atmospheric additions.

Trotz der reduzierten Grafik cann Rekastellenweise their beautiful and atmospheric additions.

Little Content, Vales fehlt noch

The big Hook is in the Moment, that Reka zum Launch seemlich schnell die Luft ausgeht. The Story Missions have the Prolog and the Chapter behind them in the next 3 lessons. Content is the first part of the course and it is one of the biggest tutorials. The next Story Update will be available soon, first for Anfang 2025, as the official Roadmap said.

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Nach den Story-Abschnitten is in die Sandbox. Here everything is stated and the Frage, who long tries to be himself.

While the existing missions are a few highlights, they fall into the existing Sandbox map, the NPCs narrate the dialogue, and the procedurally generated missions can no longer be used for credit. There is a net Ausnahmen, which is one of the protective circles of a resident’s house, but Gaben der Sorte “Hole X” or “Koche Y” überwiegen deutlich.

If this punk has the right to do business, he can study and build for a long time, nor at the standard. If this happens, the use of Quest-Entscheidungen can cause the Rolle to be played. It is gilded for the “Gute Hexe, böse Hexe” mechanic, which never works with Tragen.

There is no content and no more cinder storm to come. Much more than 6-8 hours of playtime If it doesn’t work, it may take longer for the Baumodus to be displayed in detail.

Why is this a good idea?

Maximilian Franke

In my opinion, the biggest plus point of Reka is the setting. If you have a big core fantasy in the middle of the forest, the strange enterprise will select a huge amount of words. With the focus on Slavic folklore, Reka is done very well.

Playfully you get, my first final result, a good Genre-Standard boat. Through the gameplay loop of Sammeln, Kochen and Bauen you can perform a great experiment. If you are engaged in studying the atmospheric world, you can do another research on the prozedural generic cards.

Anyone who goes through the concept for a long time and it’s been so long since he did anything, may wonder. The roadmap for more updates for 2024 and. The biggest content drop is first planned for Anfang 2025. If you press the action, it is the right of the user.

If you are also looking for an atmosphere-enhancing cozy game, then you can do this for yourself. Preliminary, no 50-hour sandbox and can use a technical Early Access Macken-hinwegsehen.