
Planet defense guns commander war euer berraschungshit der gamescom

Planet defense guns commander war euer berraschungshit der gamescom

That's one of the planetary defense cannons and a battle with a commando.
That's one of the planetary defense cannons and a battle with a commando.

That’s one of the planetary defense cannons and a battle with a commando.

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Planetary Defense Gun Commander no longer wants to wear the 2024 Long Playtime Award. No statements have been made about a cooler trophy: this Auszeichnung as the most exciting FYNG game during gamescom 2024!

I have a despatched and with the German Mehrheit PVKK zum Sieger gekürt. It didn’t take long before the developer of the small German indie studios Bippinbits freuen, pretty much my life was davon. Check out this preview here, for the picture with the founder René spoken prochen haben.

There is something we can judge, whoever the name is who is composed of the unusual mix of cockpit simulation and story play.

Stephanie Schlottag

Editor Steffi has made an attack on the indie game and is interested in the creative idea of ​​smaller studios. Deshalb will no longer take care of his family’s best friends, but he will now have the second FYNG-Award-Preview in those years for euch.

Was it a planetary defense gun commander?

»Eigentlich war es nur der Beitstitle«, written by René. »First English, man stop irgendeinen Namur. An irrendwann hat is then durchgesetzt«. PVKK is the official Kurzfassung, which can be used.

Der Titel verrät schon das Programm, dröseln wir ihn mal afuf:

  • Planets: PVKK is science fiction and is set on a floating planet.
  • Vertical: Euer Job on that planet is simple, but heart. I hope that an invasion is a feindliche invasion, all in the service of regimes.
  • Cannons: The most time I sit in the cockpit, dreht Knöpfchen, see Hebel, scann the Himmel and shoot at Eindringlinge.
  • Commander: You are completely alone here stationed and meet the divorces. Heard in the regime, is this a falsification of the game? Or is it one of the last moments of contact as the last in the end ring?

Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant - This game was played, the name was forgotten
Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant - This game was played, the name was forgotten

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Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant – This game was played, the name was forgotten

The mix of Bunker-Story and Simulation is a huge challenge. There are a few things we can do – we can’t do anything else than make the loyal choice –, other things are in the game itself. Spart are ammunition and stellt be geschickt, which is an influence on the Geschichte. The world is told while playing a real schauspielerin, a tribute to a video series of ganz früher.

It is a fact that it is of course not possible to leave the Abschnitte in the Bunker and to harness and unlock an Escape Rooms, but also a moral separation. If they both see each other, there are a few special rings that you can curb or so can be. Daher was an hour of the game played in a linear way (man thought of a Mass Effect with its Vorbildlich-Abtrünnig system).

More than just propaganda videos communicate the regime with euch.
More than just propaganda videos communicate the regime with euch.

More than just propaganda videos communicate the regime with euch.

The Entwicklern serves as inspiration, among other things, the great Indie-Spiel Papers, please. There is also a simple, satisfying story with a moral complex.

Discover the story of a powerful regime with an opaque motivation, it is of course possible that the simulation part is part of the foreground. The Cockpit may be one of the most haptic features – if you have a natural taste on a flavor tip.

»I want to play a game for big machines, the small buttons. Who sees a switch or a complex machine and gently hinges and damn well wants to play her heart out, explains René. Developing your skills in games and levers, puts a switch on, hammers on taste and buttons here and that’s how it goes intuitively learning, with our high-tech waffle umzugehen. An in-game manual is not printed.

I am unable to show any fear in the Cockpit when it rains.
I am unable to show any fear in the Cockpit when it rains.

I am unable to show any fear in the Cockpit when it rains.

And was this the best question, one of the things you have to do? If it is clear, then there is still a friend »Click« of his money! A safe Sound-Kulisse in the game is the Entwicklern that weighs heavily. Gute Nachrichten also for the ASMR fans among euch.

Would you like to make your choice and see the Hebel?

Sounds like Gameplay, of DualSense 5 with adaptive triggers or alternative controllers that are more profitable, or? Perhaps a newly built switch? Yes, René finds in our secret, can not be anything other than fest sisters, that is a Console version of PVKK will shine.

Bisher made it to the PC party release date, but this is no longer the case: Aktuell will be polled the Veröffentlichung End 2025After the inventor has made it clear, it is no longer the case that the termin after a hint to the schieben is no longer so.

Before we see the fall in the fall, there is still a Steam demo available that will never appear at gamescom 2024 itself. If you don’t remember how the simulation works, you can play on the games’ Discord server.

The names of the Entwicklerstudios (Bippinbits) were in the back of the head: Vielleicht knows the letztes Spiel Dome Keeper. This supports Steam with 91 positive positive Nutzer reviews. Guter Grund too, but with PVKK auf einen Erfolg zu ffen!

Have you been itching to go to the planet yourself? Schreibt uns gern in the comments, was ihr euch vom Spiel erhofft.