
Eihockey: Adler for DEL-Auftakt demütig – Michaelis new Kapitän

Eihockey: Adler for DEL-Auftakt demütig – Michaelis new Kapitän

Die Adler Mannheim went with Demut und konkretes Ziel in de nouvelle Saison der Deutschen Ice hockey Liga (DEL). “We want to be better every day. The rest came from everything,” said Coach and Manager Dallas Eakins four days before the attack against the Schwenninger Wild Wings during free time (7:30 p.m.).

The Mannheimer has gone through the German Meister twenty-eight years ago and has continued with great problems. Der Club discovers that you can take a walk and that there is a suggestive hint.

Eakins had his dual role as coach of coach Johan Lundskog and sports director Jan-Axel Alavaara in November 2023, when the American-Americans were not playing Adler in the Playoff Four Finals.

Eakins bestimmt Michaelis zum Kapitän

As Kapitän is used by the experienced Mannheimer Marc Michaelis who führen Mannschaft aufs Eis. “I came to Mannheim for ice hockey as a little boy. It’s an emotional moment for me and my family, meaning the long national games and here the NHL professional talking about Eakins’ divorce. Zu Michaelis’ Stellvertretern wurden Tom Kühnhackl und Jordan Szwarz gewählt.

7,260 Dauerkarten were purchased as quickly as possible. Laut Geschäftsführer Matthias Binder is the best club history. I would have the DEL-Heimspiel der Adler rund 11,000 Zuschauer erwartet.

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