
US-Wahl on the ticker: Billie Eilish told Kamala Harris

US-Wahl on the ticker: Billie Eilish told Kamala Harris

Billie Eilish took care of Kamala Harris

9.23 am: A woman with Taylor Swift who played with the American singer Billie Eilish (22, ‘Bad Guy’) a Megastar star of Kamala Harris with the American president-president. “I hope that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will see the Schutz van Abtreibungen and Verhütungsmitteln, the Umwelt and the Demokratiekampen”, says Eilish in a common with his Bruder Finneas-called clip on Instagram and X. “Wählt, if Once you’re up, then it’s like that you can sing the song. Follow both on the platform more than 130 million accounts. The Democrats Harris started the presidential election of Donald Trump on November 5.

The Empfehlung Eilish’s day, the sogenannten “Voter Registration Day“, genau sieben vor der Wahl. Dieser Tag soll the American-American wants to register, in the Wahlregister of the overprüfen or as new anzumelden. Weil es in de Vereinigten Staats keine Meldepflight gibt, müssen sich Citizens and Citizens in many States their own in the Wahlverzeichnis eintragen lassen.

Microsoft: Russia Steps Up Disinformation Campaign Against Harris

05.53 am: Russian software developed after research by software companies Microsoft is the information campaign against US presidential candidate Kamala Harris. One of the Kremlin-linked groups called Storm-1516 produced two videos in late August, a Wahl campaign by Harris and his Vize candidate Tim Walz to discredit, conducted by the US government on the service.

In one video, a group of Harris supporters said that a multiplicity of participants had received a Trump customer. In the other videos, a playwright can be seen who has undergone successful business development, Harris has in 2011 an Unfall a Mädchen-verlet, it has started with laughter, and the Fahrerflucht began. Both videos are based on Microsoft Millions of Aufrufen.

Another Russian group called Storm-1679 is aware of Fake News Campaign in Olympic Games in Paris now on the Verbreitung of videos, Harris discredits sollen, he is in the Microsoft message further.

The US gave Russia a big English version in September of the manipulation of the November 5 presidential election and sanctions have hidden more responsible work from Russian statesmen RT.

Trump: “Nur wichtige Präsidenten wird geschosssen”

05.24 am: The US Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has seen the first Wahlkampfauftritt when the attention of the US president is drawn in absolute certainty. At a speech in the city of Flint in the Federal State of Michigan, the service is a connection of its life on the Golfplatz in Florida and the Forderung after hohen Zöllen on car imports from Mexico and China. “What wonder then, where will I be born?” Trump said. “Nur auf wichtige Präsidenten wird geschosssen.”

Trump presents himself as a representative of the American auto industry. Shouldn’t win the vote on November 5, the 78-year-olds said, “the small labor force in the auto industry” was no longer there. Flint warfare was a central part of the industry before the factory factories had to get rid of the fight.

Harris sends Republikanern Lügen über Migranten in Ohio vor

Mittwoch, September 18, 00:05: Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has slammed the Republican attack for the attack. If a microphone has made sure that the best way to use his own business, Harris is with a representative in Philadelphia in the US federal state of Pennsylvania.

If Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his Vice JD Vance live in the city of Springfield in the Federal State of Ohio migrants, as the head of the Anwohner-capital in essence. The dortigen betokenen on the Days, will be no Hinweise in the Solche Fall.

Springfield has won 58,000 households and households, which have taken many people from the Caribbean state of Haiti. The city finds its operation in the Ausnahmezustand. If you attempt to carry out the Dutzende Bombardments in the opening of debts and debts, the police are put in your prizes. More people, the Grundschulen, must be evacuated. The sender CNN called on the police to report the right-wing extremists “Proud Boys”.

“It’s shameful that these families and children are being marginalized in this community,” Harris said of the situation. It’s a serious matter that people think that a “good, productive life” is being led. Trump and Vance are busy spreading the “ural stereotype.” “It’s not new,” said the US president and another Trump’s Verschörungstheorie, that Barack Obama was the first US president who was not born in the United States. Obama was from the Federal State of Hawaii.

“Man cannot be rejected, as the Siegel of the Presidents of the United States of America imagines, then a hasty rhetoric is curbed, that will be discovered, a country that stretches,” Harris said.

Trump: “I like the last putt sank”

Service day, September 17, 11:45 am: US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has played his own pride of the most diverse players on the golf match. “I have the feeling that the putt is sinking, but we have decided that we have to disappear here”, said the 78-year-old man in a conversation on the Platform X Spaces. There is a secret service, a pig and the criminal prosecution services for his short-term trading activities in the fall of Sunday afternoon (local time), at the personal protection officer on the secured suspects had been shot.

Trump was playing golf with friends at the Club in West Palm Beach in the Federal State of Florida, when a person from the secret service launched an attack on the golf courses. Officials who open the police call for the fire. There are now no hundreds of meters from Trump who give a surprising opinion about Schuss ab. There is a flight in a car and lately später on a highway in the next party.

Zunächst sei all his fried gewesen, Trump painted his Wahrnehmung. “Plötzlich hörten wir Schüsse, die in de Luft were geschossen.” The secret service has seen such a conscious, that is Kugeln gewesen. “It is a fragment from the Golf-Kurs-verlassende world.” A car has used the car of the Verdächtige photography, while the Wagen-lokalisiert could be done. “That Zivilistin has phänomenale Arbeit jeistet,” says Trump, who has approached the Secret Service – he has brought the Mann-hinter Gitter. “Hoffentlich will remain there for a long time. A blessed person, a second, a whole loved person.”

Trump played more golf on Wednesday night at one of his golf clubs. The American president will play for a while in November for the Republican in the White House, with real estate investor and partner Steve Witkoff.