
Nach der Landtagswahl – SPD-Landtagsfraktion hat einen neuen Chef – Politik

Nach der Landtagswahl – SPD-Landtagsfraktion hat einen neuen Chef – Politik

Erfurt (dpa/th) – The 39 year old Lutz Liebscher is seeing new Fraktionsvorsitzenden of the SPD in the Thüringer Landtag. There is an ongoing political war in the years in which the factions of social democracy and the bisherigen Fraktionschef Matthias are dealing with the issue of illness. Der 54 Jahre alte Hey, der an der Wahl in Erfurt teilnahm, war für das Amt nicht erneut angetreten. The Wahl von Liebscher follows a number of fragments that provide impetus.

Smallest Fraktion im Parlament

The SPD has helped the Minister of the Interior and the Land Georg Maier, the smallest faction, in the Landtag with its Abgeordenten. If you want to see more of the direction, it is the task of the CDU to support the Brombeer coalition with BSW and SPD. It is probably not the case that the SPD has had one of the most woolly government coalitions in the new legislative period. There is a separation between the Stimmung and the Basis of the Party. It is more a time in which own people are involved in the Kreisverbonden of the social democracies, part of the basis of health care, through the SPD direction or other opportunities.

This is the case for the fact that Fraktionsvorsitzenden were the result of Katharina Schenk’s relationship, which in 2020 was internal government secretariat, which was the responsibility of the government in the country. New Parlamentarische Geschäftsführerin wurde die Südthüringerin Janine Merz. As Landtagsvize-Präsidentin, the SPD has been nominated for Cornelia Klisch’s Health Police. If these give Wahlen a boost, it is the Sprecher.

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