
A trainer for Eintracht Frankfurt? Hellmann hält’s für möglich |

A trainer for Eintracht Frankfurt? Hellmann hält’s für möglich |

Axel Hellmann is pleading for more female matches in football and could be a trainer for the men’s team of Eintracht Frankfurt. Is that so? Let the advocate speak a question of the time.

Axel Hellmann from Eintracht Frankfurt

Axel Hellmann has long seen her wife in men’s football.
Image © Imago Images

No, Dino Toppmöller has had a great time with his work. For a few weeks that it may not be different, it is a matter of the chief trainers of Eintracht Frankfurt but absolutely not of the debate. Toppmöller has stabilized his manhood and will be in the coming months and perhaps continue for a few more years. Toppmöller and the Eintracht, that is the time.

Irgendwann, it is a fußball-schäft nun mal Usus, would do that and Toppmöller die Hessen wieder verlassen. Full normal and clean zigmale experience. Neu ist allthings, danach passioneren konnte.

Video contribution


00:39 Minute.||o’clock

Eintracht-Trainerin? Hellmann can imagine

Axel Hellmann Eintracht Frankfurt

Image © picture-alliance/dpa

End of video contributions

Speaker Axel Hellmann has a new coach for the men’s team. Are Toppmöller’s Nachfolger unter Umständen also a Nachfolgerin? “Ich stop das für möglich”, said Hellmann on the Mitwoch on the sidelines of the “Women in Football Summit”, a podium discussion on the DFB campus about the role of women in football.

Ingolstadt can for

Was at Drittligist FC Ingolstadt, der von Sabrina Wittmann trainiert, und Union Berlin, wo Marie-Louise Eta lange Zeit Co-Trainerin war en eratzweise auch mal as Chefin an der Seitenlinie stand, schon Normalität ist, kon irgendwann auch bei der Eintracht zur Realität became: a coach in the male-dominated Bundesliga. “I am a football player who has reached a higher level, but his head coach position,” Hellmann is certain.

The generation is already there

There was once a broadcast for the duration of more weiblichkeit in men’s football after Hellmann no longer existed. The number of coaching talents in the youth of the force is no longer a fragment of time. “Ich sehe da viele, danen ich das zutraue.” A thought in the future can also be stattgefunden. Do you want to know if it works in the cabin?

Laut Hellmann: on jeden Fall. Grund dafür: Die Zeiten der Platzhirsche und Machos sei auch in Fußball langam, aber sicher vorbei. Entscheidend seien heutzutage – wie in alle else Teilen der Gesellschaft auch – the quality and the expertise, not the Geschlecht. “I’m very proud of myself, that’s a good qualification for Trainers among the active Player Generation who can find out who Trainer,” said Hellmann. “Man sees one of the many ways he is being played, but he cannot get power on the Leistungs stimulation hat.”

Ob Hellmann truly right it will be, it will not be that anything is said. Irgendwann nach Toppmöller.