
New video said Stealth-Bomber B-21 Raider in the air

New video said Stealth-Bomber B-21 Raider in the air

There Tarnkapen bomber B-21 Raider we will be going to the Rückgrat of the American-American Luftstreitkräfte in the coming years. This is the futuristic whistle that has been tested by the American Air Force. Erstmals can be a problem official video daylight, that is the Stealt-Bomber in the Flugzeit.

You see it in the last phase of the Clip, which starts the B-21 and ends with another country. It is said that the presentation in the Rahmen is a podium discussion, while the über die Deepening of the tests Message was.

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Test program is going well

Demnach verlaufe das Testprogramm des B-21 überraschend schnell. If we encounter other people, we will die 3 prototypes Next time you can create a series version. Normally more Flugdemonstrators were sacrificed and the recognitions were flying in the air. Serial production An.

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With the B-21 you can carry it with you Computer model Verlassen, a series of prototypes are made. During the execution of tests the stability and the construction of the structure are undermined heavy taxes find out, it is called. It is now possible to use computer models.

The Noisy Stealth Bomber

If the light of the US Air Force is emitted, it could lead to other Horn You have to admit that I am the Stealth Bomber Area of ​​the Triebwerken from the rump of the bomber reformed. It is a matter of action, while the sister of Luft can in the Triebwerke stream.

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Stealth-Bomber B-21: First Official Flug-Photo New Details

Die gut versteckten Triebwerken

When a high performance is not feasible, the Hörner can be used and the Triebwerke with more air shipping – example at takeoff, landing, at slow speeds or a steep ascent. If the image of the B-21 is in flight, it will die Openings closed sentence.

Not visible are the Triebwerken. And this hat is of course a good Grund. This was not the case in the Rumpf of the machine, was then Stealth properties is coming. Honestly Aviation for the Triebwerke since they should be recognised.

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Sensors and antennas

If you see this, it is a focused issue. It is a matter of doing Sensor LanceNow that both test pilots have been tested, the data are related to the same fluge characteristics. If the Testflügen see the B-21, show a hint, a dem Sensors brought sin. See more information about Flugeigenschaften und Aerodynamic.

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At the bottom is 2 spherical objects to recognize. It takes a while Antennas act. These are carried out at Bedarf. I will be busy for a while with the junk, a radar so small that I can stop.

If you focus on outsourcing the costs, this is a fact Data transfer system act. An der Unterseite anyway is hinteren oberen Ende sind die Signal Lighter so see. Auch die nur bedarf ausgefahren.


Weniger Waffenlast als der B-2

When the B-21 was in the Regulation operation it may be unclear. The commissioning will not take long and will not take so long Mid-year 2020 erwartet. A production of minds 100 pieces since the US-Verteidigungsministerium angestrebt.

The B-21 is smaller than the B-2. Daher is German reduced weapon load if they could continue. Beim B-21 since 9,100 kilogramsat B-2 18,144 kilograms. Dafür soll die Reichweite höher signal. This is a stealth feature and a modern system like the B-2 bomber.

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The best flight of the world

The B-21 is almost conventional weapons also as nuclear weapons could be ordered. Dazu will die AGM-181A cruise missile make sure you have found the time in Entwicklung. This goes with the atomic Sprengkopf W80-4 When you pull the plug out of the socket, a spring force is created from bis zu 150 kiloton haben was. Zum Vergleich: Die Hiroshima-Bombe has a Sprengkraft von 13 Kiloton.

Another Vorteil des B-21: There is a German battle. Rustungsexpert*innen gehen von 750 to 900 million US dollars per piece out. The B-2 is with US$2.2 billion the first flugzeug of the world.

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